Thank God for St. Anthony

Thank God for St. Anthony

St. Anthony touches so many people’s lives.  He faithfully intercedes to Our Lord for your intentions.  Enjoy this story from Laura in Ohio.


 Dear St. Anthony’s Bread,

             St. Anthony came through huge on this one!  We were watching our neighbor’s dog while they were on vacation.  We took the dog for a walk and he came out of his collar and ran.  We looked for 4 hours with no luck. 

             We all prayed to St. Anthony (husband, me, and four kids) and made ‘Lost Dog’ posters.  I called my mother in Louisville, Kentucky – she prayed to St. Anthony as well.

            The next day we received a call from a vet who had shared our ‘Lost Dog’ posters, someone had found the dog.

 Thank God for St. Anthony.



 Have a St. Anthony story to share?  We’d love to hear it!  Contact us at   



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