Novena to St. Anthony Works!

Novena to St. Anthony Works!

Sometimes St. Anthony finds what you don't yet have.
Enjoy this encouraging story from Cindy in Michigan.


I am writing this letter and making this donation in thanksgiving for my son-in-law finding a job after 6 ½ years.  He had found some work but not as fulfilling and suited to his talents. 

Earlier this year, my daughter, Kathy, her husband, Tom, and I made a novena to St. Anthony.  I amended my petition so that the job he found would be suited to his talents and personally fulfilling to him.  On August 6, he received a phone call hiring him for a job he really wanted. 

Thanks and praise to St. Anthony for once again coming through!  I always pray to him to find lost items and I DO!!  I had never thought of praying to him for a job that was lost and to be found.  At the encouragement of a friend, I did and I am so thankful.

Thank you so much St. Anthony and I pray that this will be a long and positive employment.

In praise of you,



Colleen Cushard

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Posted in: Prayer, Saint Anthony