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Fostering health and unity in Jamaica

St. Anthony of Padua

St. Anthony of Padua is one of the Catholic Church’s most popular saints. Saint Anthony of Padua, patron saint of lost and stolen articles, was a powerful Franciscan preacher and teacher. He’s typically portrayed holding the child Jesus—or a lily—or a book—or all three—in his arms.

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The Shrine

“Mt. Airy” is the familiar name for the National Shrine of St. Anthony and Friary sitting on a hill above Cincinnati. The shrine had its start in the late 1880s, when Joseph and Elizabeth Nurre bought what was then a country estate for $18,000 and gave it to the Franciscan friars.

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About the Friars

The 130 friars of St. John the Baptist Province (SJB) are members of the Order of Friars Minor. We are a Franciscan brotherhood inspired by the 13th-century example of St. Francis of Assisi. We serve the Catholic Church as brothers and priests in a communal life of poverty, prayer, and service to others.

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Prayer Requests

Thursday Oct, 17, 2024
Jesus; Help me to be a great Saint for Your glory. Amen.
Thursday Oct, 17, 2024
Dear St Anthony, I am still praying for my friend to get a good job. He has been out of work since January. He wants to open a little store, please help him to make the right decision. I am worried that he will get into debt. Please restore our friendship, I miss him. Look after all my family. I thank you for all the good things happening in my life. Jesus I place my trust in You. Amen.
Thursday Oct, 17, 2024
Pray for my exams, for me to get good grades and to get admission for medicine. Also pray for my career commitment, a guidance and to meet a spiritual father. Pray for my relationship.
Thursday Oct, 17, 2024
Dear St.Anthony, Please pray for me and my husband Collin that Jesus destroys every trap & plot of the wicked enemies who are trying to forcibly put this false case against us. Please pray for this situation to turn around in our favor and all those who are ganging up against us will fall for our sake. Please pray that today we get Victory from every evil plot of these wicked people. In Jesus name I pray,
Thursday Oct, 17, 2024
Dear St Anthony please intercede and pray for my financial help now and pray that I can afford an apartment so I can afford to move and have a roof over my head that's mine. Amen
Thursday Oct, 17, 2024
Please pray for Benito G. He had some suspicious skin moles surgically removed. Please pray that his pathology report show that they will not be cancerous. May God Bless everyone, especially those in most need!
Frank & Rita R
Thursday Oct, 17, 2024
Please pray for my wife.. She is not well.please pray to get her well soon.God please cure her illness and keep her happy.. Please pray for her I am seeking help in the name of Jesus Christ.... Please pray.. Amen
Thursday Oct, 17, 2024
Dear St. Anthony, faithful servant of God and helper of those in need, I come to you today with a grateful heart. Thank you, Lord, for the wonderful development in my dad’s job. Your blessings continue to lift us up and remind us of Your goodness in every step of life. St. Anthony, I humbly ask for your intercession before God. May my A results be released today, and may I find success in them. Please guide my path and bless me with the opportunity to qualify for the next round of Tech Mahindra as well. Give me strength, focus, and clarity in all I do. I trust in Your divine plan, Lord, and know that whatever the outcome, it will serve Your purpose in my life. Thank You for Your grace, love, and constant guidance. Amen.
Thursday Oct, 17, 2024
Dearest St Anthony I plead to you to intercede for me with our Father Jesus Christ to heal my inflamed both corneas caused from the cataract surgery. Please clear all fluid in my cornea permanently and clear the cloudiness and blurry vision especially in the morning so that I can read fine texts. Please restore my cornea thickness to in between 560 to 580 so that my vision is clearer and sharper for far, near and up close. Thank you St Anthony Your loving daughter Suzanne C
Thursday Oct, 17, 2024
Please pray for my tough neighbor Mr A who refuse any communication is acting with bad dirty tricks to harass us (my family and I). Pray for God's intervention and protection. Thanks.
Thursday Oct, 17, 2024
Lord please make my dentist appointment go well
Thursday Oct, 17, 2024
Please hear my prayer, Please let my father Alex and grandparents Margaret and Charles be comfortable and pain free. May they be protected, safe and happy in where they are. May God continue to care for them . They are truly missed, thank you for listening Amen
Thursday Oct, 17, 2024
Please hear my prayer continue to watch over my children and nephew and niece. Give them the strength, guidance, direction, support and protection that they need. Please help them each meet someone now who will treat them well and who will love them, care for them, protect,, support and commit to them. Please help them as each want to have their own partner and children. Let this happen soon as possible and let them be happy and content. Please let them be happy and content Amen
Thursday Oct, 17, 2024
Help me Lord,my husband Michael has mental illness,m his main carer, he often tries to upset and just make my life misery,,he is not physically violent but its as if he can keep m away from all family and friends and make me tired and sick so Im not able to do anything,,he needs constant attention and I get so weak,,,i just pray forspiritual strength and energy to overcome the evil spirits around him, please help me Lord, im trying to get ready to go to a retreat of praise , worship and prayer tomorrow,,thank you Mary
Thursday Oct, 17, 2024
Prayers for Trudi and her friend Karen's family coping with the loss of Karen
Thursday Oct, 17, 2024
St. Anthony and St. Jude Let me please be friends with M and G again. After so many years of my friendships being broken up one by one, I pray for those friendships to be put back together, one by one and to make each one stronger... Whoever came between A.S. and me and M.O and me is actually still bothering me. Please put those friendships back together for me as well and let me be close to M O. And A.S. let them ignore the garbage that they heard, that was told to them out of pure jealousy. PLEASE GET ME OURT OF HERE. I KNEW THIS WAS GOING TO BE UNHAPPY AND I WAS RIGHT. Please bring me a really sweet man who is good to be, loves me, who will help me with various things as a man should and who I love. Please let me be happy. Take away the anxiety and nervousness. Please heal me. Bless my life. Please intercede for me.
Thursday Oct, 17, 2024
For my family, friends & special intentions.. the right new job (You know the details) health, healing without any major procedures, for happiness, spirituality, love, safety, a long life with prosperity so I may continue to do Your work. To bring everything together & own my family home outright so my siblings may have their portion & I can live there happily within our means, without a huge expense. Thank You for everything Lord. Amen.
Thursday Oct, 17, 2024
Prayers for my family, friends & special intentions. For good health, to live a happy healthy, prosperous safe, Catholic life in my present home & to obtain the monies needed to pay it off. For the "right" new job, that's well paying, has a reasonable short commute & perhaps to find a fine romance with a good woman @ this time in my life. Father , You know the details. Thank You for everything. Amen
Thursday Oct, 17, 2024
Prayer for my sister E. Who has been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. As nothing is impossible for God, I pray she receive the best care to slow any progress & hope/pray for a cure. Amen
Thursday Oct, 17, 2024
Please pray for paddy and Margaret ward ur kids. Tom 'seamus 'mariah 'Martin gerard for all ur intions for peace and happiness and joy proction around us keep evil away from us .from me and paddy marriage to get alot better and stop arguing take away any jealous from paddy ur marriage to be alot better and stronger and for paddy and Tom and seamus to be getting work and employment to be able support alot better and for seamus when he is in court in 31 for to be true out and for healing for Tom and martin gerard please hear ur prays .
Thursday Oct, 17, 2024
Holy Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do you, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God cast into Hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Thursday Oct, 17, 2024
Lord bless my mom son pa me sc ds ...
Thursday Oct, 17, 2024
First thank God my daughter is pregnant after having an ectopic pregnancy and surgery last year. Praying that my daughter is healthy during her pregnancy despite some spotting/bleeding. Praying for a healthy normal strong baby. Too many tests and blood work showing issues and down syndrome. Praying for a healthy placenta to be attached and in proper position. Praying she goes to full term. She's in her second semester. This is very hard on her and all of us praying. Jesus, Mary and Joseph please intercede. I'm asking big because God answers prayers!!!
Thursday Oct, 17, 2024
Pray for the total healing of our only child, Kathryn, age 27, undergoing treatment for a rare cancer. St. Anthony, hear our prayer. Lord Jesus, hear our prayer.
Thursday Oct, 17, 2024
My son Jakeb has been tired for 2 days with no energy. I don't know if it is his mental health which he is really struggling with or physical and it's scaring me. Please ask God to heal him and let me hear his laughter. Please ask God to bring Joy and happiness into his life and I ask that God helps us financially to get his therapy started. We are struggling. I just want him healthy and happy. Oh Please Dear God heal my son and give him joy. Please hear a mother's prayer. I Love You Dear God and I love You Dear Jesus. Dear Jesus please place your hands upon him and heal him. Please let him feel Your presence and love. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Thursday Oct, 17, 2024
Dear St Anthony bless my family and my children Antoathin and daughter Aashika and save their lives. Heal my son Antoathin and daughter Aashika cough and Adukku Thummal problem. Save my profession. Save my sister husband from addict with alcohol. Save my sister kohila from her stomach and urology problem. Thank you Jesus Christ.
Thursday Oct, 17, 2024
Dear St. Anthony, Help me get me a new cell phone an my old one back, and keep me strong during the hardships of life in America ... Help me make an effort to keep the peace in the world... Help me not to break my bridges with others in the community etc. Help me be strong and awake and alert and diligent ,share better moments with the employee's an residents together!!!! Help me stay focused on my game playing an get a soulmate at the same time.
Thursday Oct, 17, 2024
Blessed be God,blessed be Infant Jesus,blessed be Our Lady in all her different forms,blessed be all the spirits,saints,apostles,martyrs,all the guardian angels of my life and family members,all the guiding and governing angels and spirits at my work place,all the governing forces in the Universe,all the God's in the entire Universe and beyond. Thunderously praise and glorify Infant Jesus in the entire Universe and beyond
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Please pray for repose of souls of Mary Celine, Mary Beatrice, Celine Dias, Victoria Conceisao, Aleixo Silva, Sucorinha Gomes, Lilia Conceisao, Leonora Correia,  Peter Correia and Joseph Conceisao.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Please pray for daughter who has cut ties with every member of her family. Please heal her her Lord and bring her back into her loving family fold. Lord hear my prayer.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Father; Help me watch today's full episodes of Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune with good loud audio without delay. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Into whatever house you enter, first say, 'Peace to this household!'
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Let all your works give you thanks, O LORD, and let your faithful ones bless you. Let them discourse of the glory of your Kingdom and speak of your might.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Get Mark and bring him with you, for he is helpful to me in the ministry.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Take care of is
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Father; Help me have available transportation when my physical therapy is done. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Father; Help my caregivers to understand and accept that by Your grace and with Your help, if I am going to take physical therapy I need transportation available as soon as physical therapy is done. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Please pray for my nephew Mark who was paralyzed in July from a dirt bike accident.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Heal my mom’s arthritis . I pray no more tropical storms or hurricanes anywhere in the world. I pray for an end to those that are trying to new start new wars or violence and for an end to all current wars anywhere in the world. Also for that rat I saw several nights ago in our living room – I pray the trap my dad put out gets him. please God get rid of all the rats in our house. For the consolation for those who lost loved ones in Hurricane Helene and Milton . And for those who are still missing. For complete healing of my teeth & gums once and for all. For complete healing of my tita nats who has cancer and whatever else is going on w/ her. For Christian’s healing from cancer. Help me in my final stage of cancer treatment – I pray for no side effects in the meds my oncologist has me on. Please heal our country – for unity and reconciliation. For 13 miracles. Please Lord I pray Amendment 4 does not win in my state & other anti life laws and policies that are being proposed. I want to thank you Lord in advance for those 13 miracles I’m asking. Lord, please stop all those trying to destroy our country & putting us against one another. please heal our country – for unity. lift my spirits and make me stronger thru life. For some good news about our country and world. I pray that the graces from the Eucharistic Congress penetrates through all the darkness going on in around country and world. I pray my mom & my younger brother reconcile. Increase my faith. For an end to all war and violence in our world. pls convert all people & leaders that want to inflict violence upon other people. for no WW3 or civil war. For an end to the violence in the Holy Land, Sudan, Haiti,Ukraine & anywhere else for that matter. For an end to anyone trying to create chaos, destruction, division and violence anywhere in the world. for spiritual and emotional healing of families everywhere esp mine. For peace before, during, and after the upcoming presidential election.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
My boss is giving me a pay cut all because it’s been a slow month for his business. Please pray the business succeeds and I will stop getting pay-cuts please .
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Thank you, Father, for what you bring us.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob; Help me to never cuss, swear, curse, or use obscene language. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
For the good health and well-being of all employees of Banner Health Ogallala Community Hospital, Medical Group, Specialty Clinic, & Infusion Center, we pray.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Father; Help me be a great teacher. Amen.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Saint Hedwig, and Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque; pray for me.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Please pray for my wife Mary and I to reconcile our marriage soon. I miss her and loved her dearly. Thank you
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Please help me hear from Liz so I know that they’re ok. Thank you!
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Father; I ask that my enemies are powerless to cause me harm, anxiety, and distress. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
St Anthony performer of miracles please pray that my daughter and her husband are able to find a job. Also Thank you for all favors granted
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
A few persons who are addicted and need your love divine intervention and if still using hospital is in reach please don't let these persons die from drug abuse Yolanda ieasha kai Terry Lee duhart please find the hope they will need to quit using and drinking alcohol. Let them feel the freedom to me ve on without me drugs alcohol to let go of fear and the ways of the devil
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Heavenly Father, please keep my granddaughter safe and home for the holidays. Please watch over my son and daughter in law and grandson. Give them opportunity, love and peace. May you protect and love us for all eternity. AMEN.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Dear St Anthony bless my family and my children Antoathin and daughter Aashika and save their lives. Heal my son Antoathin and daughter Aashika cough and Adukku Thummal problem. Save my profession. Save my sister husband from addict with alcohol. Save my sister kohila from her stomach and urology problem. Thank you Jesus Christ
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
My Lord and my God. I offer You all my energy, sacrifices, time, faith. I surrender unto Your name all my worries, doubts, anxieties. Please provide for my needs. I Bless Your name. I confess for all my sins o God. Help me not to succumb into temptations. Shield me always o God. I thank You for all the graces and blessings you have bestowed upon us. In Jesus' name. Amen. Lord, I pray for the ff: 1. Time is so near and yet so far. Few more sleeps o God, and the revelation will be revealed. I am certain that You do really exists o God. I trust in You. I am claiming my 1 M on the 20th and that I will be able to settle all my unpaid bills/ debts before 2024 ends. I am so grateful in Your name. Everything is possible. I am ready with my testimonies o God. I will use the money in good ways o God. 2. I also pray for massive sales, abundance, victory and winnings o God. That I will thrive and succeed in the business where I am at now. 3. I pray for longevity, vitality, health, wellness, abundance of blessings, healing, salvation, protection against evil and external forces , for my self, father, mother, brothers and sisters, nephews, nieces, uncles, aunties, grandmas/pas, friends, loved-ones, uncles, aunties, our dogs and all people o God. Give us longer life to spend more happy long years together. 4. I pray for healing for the sick. May God's healing touch be upon Your people especially those with cancer, pneumonia, HIV, migraines, viruses, diseases, illnesses, any aches or discomforts in the mind, heart and body. 5. I also pray for smooth data gathering in my thesis. That no external factor or forces will delay the process of my research. Please send angels who can assist me in working on my thesis. Please take full control of the process o God. That I will be granted the permit to conduct the study and that I will be able to graduate on time this s.y ends. 6. Lord, I continue to pray for forgiveness, unity, reconciliation among my father, brothers and sisters.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
I have so many prayers on my heart- for Brian so that we may find the right realtor, and his house sells quickly with a profit. For our home buying process next spring to do well. For Ashley and her engagement- help her find God in her heart. Peace during this trying time of planning. Forgiveness on my heart for my MIL, and former coworkers. For our upcoming wedding and vocation as husband and wife. For my job, that there is less pressure and that they can see and identify that I’m doing a good job. That I have new opportunities that are exactly what they want us to be apart of. For my future as a mother, that we are blessed with the right situation so we can reduce my stress and work load and still have enough to have a good life.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
God, I thank You for the many blessings. Master, we surrender Your family, s s H. M 4 homes, 2 cars & 4 banks. God fill us with Holy Spirit grant good health, long life, peace & joy for Your family. Heal p grant us salvation give peace & joy always please bless new homes. God, I consecrate our family. Thank you St. Anthony please pray for our family for restoration. Thank you.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
I have pain below the right side of the chest.(last 5 days). Please pray for complete healing
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
St Anthony, you are the saint of miracles. PLEASE grant N a favourable reply to his interview request. Thanking you always. Mother.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Please help me find this company contacts to sale rosaries please in Jesus name please..i want to sale them to men of faith in Jesus name please...also prayers for repentance and mercy and faith and hope...please pray for our x's please in Jesus name please..prayers for peace in Jesus name prayers for all my family and friends
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Ask God to be with me. Ask him to help me make it through the day. Ask him to ease my pain and fear.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Christ Jesus! My name is Daria, I'm a Ukrainian refugee from Eastern Ukraine, Kharkiv, I live with my mom, her name is Vera, from November 1 we have no apartment to live in, because our landlord Mr. Bernd Hartmann died and his daughter sells this apartment where we live now, we ask for prayers so that we can quickly find a good apartment in Hamburg, Germany so we won't have constant stress and fear of being Jesus Name we pray. Amen
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Thank you St Anthony forinterceding! Please bless this month!
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Dear brother My brother Roshan is in problem. He needs your prayers very much His wife is not happy with him. She is illtreating him belittling him.... Insulting him. Please pray that God may unite them in love because marriage is sacred sacrament. Please pray for my brother
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Thank you for all the blessings my family friends and i are receiving. I am forever grateful. Special prayers for my John. Guide and protect him. Help him to succeed at this new job and grow his confidence. Prayers for Joe and Pat. I put all our worries and issues in your hands dear Lord. With GOD ALL things are possible. Amen
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Please pray for the end of racial and immigration hatred in the United States and the end of political divisiveness. Please pray for a Harris-Walz Presidential victory in 2024 and a peaceful transfer of power. In Jesus Name, Amen
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
For all family and friends
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
lord jesus show us a way ...
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
please grant us continued abundance in our checking acct business with st anthonys help! praise st anthony!
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
i am in a nursing home someone has been constantly stealing from me. i pray they stop. please pray to st anthony that my rings are retuned .great sentimental value. some of the rings came from my other who is deceased. it was priceless to me. i had a stroke and i am also praying to walk again and use my right arm again. ...please st. anthony have mercy on me and help me get my personal possessions back. i will honor you forever, and please st. anthony make the mean people here leave me alone. also praying that social services helps me to solve my issues like going to a dentist and getting a phone. i do not get the medical care here that i need.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Father; Help me with my housecleaning. Help me get as much done as possible. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Dear Lord-Please Help Amen Thank You
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Father; Help me with my physical therapy session today. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Father; Help me with my shopping. Help me with my check out and payment. Help me find what I want and need while I am in the store today. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Jesus; bless the unborn and their parents and see to their needs. Amen.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
The LORD bless you and keep you! The LORD let his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you! The LORD look upon you kindly and give you peace!
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his mercy endures forever.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
That through Jesus Christ and with His help, I win.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Oppose, LORD, those who oppose me; war upon those who make war upon me. Take up the shield and buckler; rise up in my defense.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Please pray for me and with me Illana ., father God I come to you in Jesus name I lift up my needs to you father please grant me a miracle of debt cancellation of R70 000 i am unable to pay this father you know the situation please father God In Jesus name I pray for supernatural debt cancellation ...Father you have placed certain people on my heart to help I ask now in Jesus name that your perfect will be done so that I can be obedient hear... amen I pray for Devon ,father I pray that you will heal his eye muscles restore his vision and cleans his skin, grant Devon wisdom as he studies to write his final grade 12 exams .father God In Jesus name i pray that as he writes his exams he will pass all his subjects with distinctions in Jesus name amen.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Do not fear! Stand your ground and see the victory the LORD will win for you today.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Do not fear, Abram! I am your shield; I will make your reward very great.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Blessed be Abram by God Most High, the creator of heaven and earth; And blessed be God Most High, who delivered your foes into your hand.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you. All the communities of the earth will find blessing in you.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
O Most beautiful Flower of Mt. Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in this my necessity. O Star of the Sea, help me and show me herein you are my mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in this necessity. There are none that can withstand your power. O show me herein you are my mother. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. (three times) Sweet Mother, I place this cause in your hands. (three times)
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Saint Hedwig, and Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque; pray for us.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
St Anthony please pray and answer my prayers praying for my mother Carmella and my son rocky and myself we all are happy healthy safe and patient praying for my mother her medication agree with her please pray for my son rocky he is doing well in his personal and professional life and prayers for my husband Pete and family they rest in eternal peace 🙏 for president Trump he win this election... for the New York Mets they win the series please pray for all the hurricane victims they rebuild their lives I love and trust in you always amen
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
pray test comes back negative. Thank you for prayers didn't hurt much. Pray things get better so hard to be depressed all the time. Everything just fell apart past two years, job, health, friends, mentor. It just too much. My sister continues to lie and so hard and can't believe she lies to everyone saying has job and people don't realize she lying. Pray for my niece Rebecca. She supportive of me but so hard as she has so many issues of her own. My sister should have addressed so much and ignored her kids over husband who now she doesn't even want to be around. Friend ghosting me hurt so much and saw him last night and hurt so much that he did it for no reason. I just want to feel normal again and so hard when world falling apart around me. Pray for Theodore on this board
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
I am heavily in debt and any attempts to come out of it results in more debt I need urgent prayers
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
god please help me can you please help me to come out of anxisety pelase god
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Dear Jesus, help me to spread Thy fragrance everywhere! Flood my soul with Thy Spirit and Light! Penetrate and possess my whole being so utterly that all my life may be only a radiance of Thine! Shine through me and be so in me that every soul I come in contact with, may feel Thy Presence in my soul! Let them look up and see no longer me but only Jesus! Amen.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Father; Thank You for my Catholic Faith. Thank You for my Parish. Amen.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Jesus; Help me to be a great Saint for Your glory. Amen.
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Dear Prayer Group, St. Anthony & our Lady of Guadalupe I humbly request your prayers 4 my family and myself. Please pray 4 those who are chronically ill. I pray 4 your healing hand 2 be on those we love & strength 2 continue living as positively and as faithfully as we can. Strengthen the sick. I PRAY 4 a happy & healthy family. I PRAY 4 a husband & kids & the ability 2 be patient. I am feeling lonely & unwanted & am ready 4 a husband & family 🙏🏽 PLEASE keep me in your prayers
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
dear st. anthony you who loved to hold jesus. whisper into his ears please heal Elena's hand. thank you st. anthony for praying with me and for me. please continue to pray till I am healed. thanks again st. of miracles. amen
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
god please heal my hand. ty ijn amen
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Dear St Anthony please intercede and pray that I am able to afford a place to live, pray that I am able to find a good partner to spend my life with and pray that I can find my way. Amen
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
For Z A’s intentions, keep him Safe and happy. Protect, support and guide him. I over this prayer for all his intentions. Thank you Amen
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Please hear my prayer continue to watch over my children and nephew and niece. Give them the strength, guidance, direction, support and protection that they need. Please help them each meet someone now who will treat them well and who will love them, care for them, protect,, support and commit to them. Please help them as each want to have their own partner and children. Let this happen soon as possible and let them be happy and content. Please let them be happy and content Amen
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Please pray for the healing from depression of Manuel Z. He is in pain and sorrow for the sudden passing away of his wife. Thank you
Wednesday Oct, 16, 2024
Please pray for me and my family as we go through this difficult time. Please help my son Ross to find a career where he can be happy and successful. Please show him the way. Please help him to have courage and self confidence. Please help him to overcome his disappointment and move forward with his education .
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