Reflections on St. Anthony
St. Anthony is beloved throughout the world and is responsive to all people and all needs. His intercessory powers before our God are powerful.
St. Anthony, one of the Catholic Church’s most popular saints, is celebrated as a teacher and preacher extraordinaire. He was the first teacher in the Franciscan Order, having been given the special approval and blessing of St. Francis to instruct his brother Franciscans. His effectiveness as a preacher calling people back to the faith resulted in the title “Hammer of Heretics.” Just as important were his peacemaking and calls for justice.
Many friars have a special devotion to St. Anthony. This year, in honor of the Solemn Novena to St. Anthony, we’ve collected reflections on St. Anthony written by the friars. Beginning Tuesday, April 12, and continuing every Tuesday through June 7, we will post a new friar reflection on St. Anthony.
Click on the photos below to read each friar’s St. Anthony reflection.

Day 4 – Fr. Dennet