Today, let us pray that those with family problems, marriage difficulties, or broken hearts are open to love again.

Br. Raphael Ozoude, OFM
Family problems and broken relationships can be difficult to live with. They affect not only our emotional and mental well-being, but also our relationship with God. It is important for us to remember that we are not called to deal with these alone. Not only can we rely on friends and professionals, we can also rely on God for help and consolation. It is not coincidental that the Bible begins and ends with weddings—first of Adam and Eve, and then of the Lamb of God and His bride, the Church; moreover, Jesus’ first miracle was at a wedding. Love and relationships matter to God. When we experience broken relationships, we can turn to the Holy Spirit to console us, help us heal, rebuild our lives, and open our hearts to love again. Likewise, when we experience family struggles, God is always with us to help us love each other, warts and all, and will the good of our family members.”
Br. Raphael Ozoude, OFM, is in temporary profession and is a student at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, Ill.
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