Ten Years Ago... A Memorable St. Anthony Story

Ten Years Ago... A Memorable St. Anthony Story

St. Anthony comes through again in this story sent to Friarworks Co-director Colleen Cushard from one of our own Franciscan friars, Br. Ed Gura, OFM.

Dear Colleen,

After sharing a recent 'St. Anthony' story with my mother, she also shared one of her own with me. I was so taken by the story that I thought it worthy to also share it with you. Perhaps you would also like to share this story with all of your readers. My mother's 'St. Anthony' moment is as follows:

“The story I am about to tell occurred a good ten years ago or more. At the time I was taking care of two of my grandchildren at my daughter's home. One late afternoon upon leaving her house, my arms filled with various things, including my Liturgy of the Hours book, I set the book on top of the hood of the car to get my car keys from my purse. Ten minutes later I arrived home, gathering all my stuff together and realizing my book was not there.

Recalling what I did with it, I back-tracked to my daughter's house, fully expecting to find it on her street or driveway. It was nowhere to be found, not on her driveway, her street or any of the streets that led to the main road. As always I prayed to St. Anthony for the return of my treasured book.  Days went by and I felt that I shouldn't be bothering St. Anthony about the impossible.

Many more days passed with no trace of the book. Then an invitation came in the mail for a party to be held at the home of my husband's relatives.  When we arrived, their yard fixed for the celebration on a bright and sunny day, my sister-in-law came to me and said, 'come in the house with me Carolyn; I have something to give you.' I was absolutely stunned when she handed me my Hours book. I was so grateful, so thrilled to get my book back. Of course, I questioned Betty as to where and how she came across my book. She found it while driving along a road in her area - there lying in the road, and no where near my daughter's home. She decided to stop and pick it up. She, also, was shocked to see my name on the inside cover.

Believe it or not...it is true.”

Carolyn Gura

St. Anthony also lost a prayer book, a Psalter, which was returned to him after prayer.  Read his story on the About St. Anthony page.  http://www.stanthony.org/index.php/st-anthony-of-padua/

Fr. Dan Kroger, OFM, CEO of Franciscan Media, has prayed the Liturgy of the Hours every day since 1966.  At American Catholic Blog, he recommends The Everyday Catholic’s Guide to the Liturgy of the Hours for those who are just starting out in this devotion.

Posted in: Prayer, Saint Anthony