Paul Learns The Hard Way To Trust St. Anthony!

Paul Learns The Hard Way To Trust St. Anthony!


Back in 2008, my friend Paul from St Anthony Messenger and I were privileged to be recipients of a grant to go to Assisi to learn about the life of St Francis. We were both very excited and set off on this journey in July. I met Paul at the airport. Our check in went smoothly and we proceeded to the gate.  So far, so good.

After a few plane changes and what seemed like forever, we were finally in Rome.  When we went to retrieve our luggage, mine rolled off but we waited and waited for Paul’s.  No luggage.  It was lost.  He was told that they would have to bring it to him once they located it.

Not the best news, but it was not going to ruin our trip.  We met up with the rest of the pilgrims and took the chartered bus to Assisi.  A day goes by and Paul checks with the airlines to see if they have located his luggage.  The response from the airline was no.  That continues daily. Lucky for Paul, there were some great people on the pilgrimage that gave him a few shirts and some personal items to get by.  He washed out his clothes daily.

On the day we were to return to Cincinnati, Paul still had no luggage.  Our flight home had a layover in Chicago.  Paul got a call that they found his luggage.

“I don’t get it.  Where in the heck has that luggage been?  You did not do anything different than I did”.  Oh, but I did, I told Paul.  I had my St Anthony luggage tag attached to my bag and said a little prayer to St Anthony before I turned it over to the airlines.

I gave Paul a luggage tag when we got back.  He now faithfully secures his St Anthony luggage tag and says a little prayer before each trip.  No problems since.    Coincidence, I think not!  Thank you St Anthony.

Colleen Cushard

Colleen Cushard is Co-Director of Friar Works Ministry and MIssion

Posted in: Saint Anthony