How St. Anthony helped my son find his glasses worth $300.00

How St. Anthony helped my son find his glasses worth $300.00

We receive hundreds of wonderful, inspiring stories of prayers answered by St. Anthony.  Enjoy this one from a caring mother.


My son called me on a Saturday and was telling me how he lost his glasses while on his motorcycle.  He said he looked and looked for them.  He did find the case (flattened near his home) but when he opened the case his glasses were not in it.

I told him I would ask St Anthony to help him find them.

About an hour or so later he called me and said he found his glasses while he and his wife walked up the street where they live looking everywhere.

Someone had found them and put a little sign on their lawn…”found glasses”.  I promised St Anthony ten dollars for the poor and already sent it but here’s another ten for St Anthony Bread.  I would send more if I had it.

Camillus NY


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Posted in: Prayer, Saint Anthony