Most Recent Prayer Intentions

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.
Saturday Mar, 29, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end.
Saturday Mar, 29, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please pray that the charges are dropped against me and I can stay healthy and get a new heart. Please pray for me. Please
Saturday Mar, 29, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us.
Saturday Mar, 29, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give thanks for your great glory, Lord God, Heavenly King, O God, Almighty Father.
Saturday Mar, 29, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Lord Jesus Christ; I ask that You are the only judge that I ever stand before. In Your Name. Amen.
Saturday Mar, 29, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear St Anthony bless my family and my children Antoathin and daughter Aashika cough and Adukku Thummal problem. Save my profession. Thank you Jesus Christ save my sister kohila from her health problems. Save my sister husband from addict with alcohol. Save my sister siluvaimary from her health problems.
Saturday Mar, 29, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Could you please take a moment to pray for my special intention? Sometimes just knowing someone prayed for you really lifts you up. I would really appreciate it! Thank you for your kindness, and may God bless you and the ones you love.
Saturday Mar, 29, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please pray that my mom will grow stronger, and recover from this illness. Please pray for a miracle of healing. Please pray for her to recover and make it through all this. God, please send a miracle.
Saturday Mar, 29, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please pray for loving and healing communication to open up between R and me, and for our relationship to heal and grow stronger.
Saturday Mar, 29, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Lord please make her get a job that is algned for her ..she has an interview today ..
Saturday Mar, 29, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear Lord please make my childs exam go well ..
Saturday Mar, 29, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

He will come to us like the rain, like spring rain that waters the earth."
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, Holy Family; pray for me. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Father; Help me sleep well all throuĝhy through the night tonight. Banish them as far away as possible. Through Christ Our Lord.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Father; Deliver me from everyone and everything that would interfere with and interrupt my sleep in any way, shape, or for. Pray for me. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Father; Deliver me from everyone and everything that would interfere with, and interrupt my sleep in any way, shape, or form.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Thank you for your prayers and help. Please continue to pray for my health and everything else.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please pray for the conversion and chastity of an old protestant friend of mine. i am very concerned about the state of their soul
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

I pray for the protection and health and safety of Maddie and Catie every day and especially while I am traveling. Please always keep them safe from harm. Amen.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear God, Saint Anthony, Saint Jude and all the angels and Saints in heaven please help Isabella R. Help her find her glasses. She cannot locate them and I pray that she finds them as soon as possible. I pray these prayer in God’s name. Amen
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Healing prayers needed for my aunt Minerva who was just diagnosed with cervical cancer. We need a miracle!
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear St Anthony bless my family and my children Antoathin and daughter Aashika cough and Adukku Thummal problem. Save my profession. Thank you Jesus Christ
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Requesting prayer for my left arm and left hand to be healed
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear St. Anthony, Thank you for all past intercessions regarding my prayer requests. I pray today for the health, safety and wellbeing of all my family and friends. Thank you
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Lord, Please help me know that everything is going to be ok. Help me trust in you. Bring me peace. Take away my fears that debilitate me. Hear me oh Lord.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Jesus; bless everyone who is joining the Roman Catholic Church this Easter 2025 and see to their needs. Help and guide them always. Amen.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

That the seven missing Missalettes are returned to our church without delay. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

God, I consecrate our family 2 daughter’s bright future @ your feet. anoint us with the Holy spirit. Take control of all our situations Master. Mother Mary please hide our family in your mantle. Thanks. St. Anthony please pray for our family. Thank you.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

God, have compassion on Thailand. Following the earthquake, Because of Myanmar's earthquake. The Department of Meteorology has just announced satellite data safety certification. God, create the heavens and the earth. Please take care of your Thai brothers and sisters. Under Our Lady of the Church of Thailand's protection. A prayer for us
Dominic Yingyos
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear St Anthony Lord Jesus please make her get the job
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear Saint Anthony and all the Friars Please continue to pray for my daughter Elizabeth to get a mortgage on a house near to me and her sister. She and her little children need to be near us for help and protection. 🙏🏻 Elizabeth, Araliya, and Connor Chryssanthi, David, Indira and Freya Keep them. Safe, happy and in good health Also for me for my health and intensions Thank you from the bottom of my ❤️ 🙏🏻 🙏🏻 🙏🏻 🙏🏻 🙏🏻 🙏🏻 🙏🏻 🙏🏻
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please remember Richard Healey who passed away on March 23,2025. Thank you.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please, please pray for and help Liz! Please keep them safe; help them to be happy and to thrive. Thank you
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear Lord Please Help Amen Thank You
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please pray for Angela that she learns to love her baby and that she becomes a wonderful mother.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please pray for inner peace & trust in God’s will, for open communication with Sarah, for Reba to find a good practicing Catholic man to share her life with, for Ben to find joy in his priesthood, for Karl’s health, for all the different relationships in our family, for Emm and Rita.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear St Anthony, Thank you for prayers answered and miracles granted. Please watch over the health of my husband John and let him be OK. Also, please watch over my son Sean and keep him happy, healthy, safe, and successful in his new endeavors. Please hear my prayers.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear St. Antony, please intercede for me,SS,AS,GS,MG,B,S,H,RG,J,U,AG,H,E,RJ,C,G, and all our loved ones including Akki are safe and healthy in Jesus loving name. Jesus I trust in you. Dear Lord, please have mercy on us in Jesus loving name. Please bless us and please protect us in Jesus name. Please have mercy on the souls of P,A,T and departed loved ones in Jesus loving name. Amen
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

pray no recurrence ever and remain healthy for years to come, pray vaccine soon, pray mend family. so tired of all the lies. especially after giving them so much. ty
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Father; Help me finish my housecleaning without delay. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Father; Help me with my shopping. Help me with my check out and payment. Help me find what I want and need while I am in the store today. Help me get everything that I buy regularly at the lowest possible price. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Father; Help me to fulfill my obligations in the best way possible. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Father; Thank You for today. Help us all to enjoy this day. Amen.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Pray for me and my son name munir and his girlfriend pray that the holy spirit protects us thank you Jesus
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear St. Anthony, please intercede on behalf of J, that she might heal from the wounds inflicted on her, that she might forgive, and that her family might reunite. Please help ease the anxiety on M, L, J, C, J, T, A, and K.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

St Anthony st Christopher St Jude St Joseph and all the saints please today answer my prayers 🙏 for my son rocky he is traveling to Germany for his job please keep him safe patient and happy and healthy praying for him to enjoy his work trip please pray for my mother Carmella and myself we also are happy healthy safe and patient praying for my husband Pete and family they rest in eternal peace and watch over us all please Jesus hear me and pray for me I love and trust in you always amen
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

For the financial needs of those who have cancer, we pray.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Father; Thank You for my Catholic Faith. Thank You for my Parish. Thank You for the Catholic Church. Thank You for Pope Francis. Amen.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear St Anthony please intercede and pray that David is blessed with work that he can keep and maintain his home and pay his bills and his wife also finds a job that she can keep and they get out of this financial hole they are in and become independent and self sufficient. Amen
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

I pray that my daughter has a very safe, healthy, and normal full term pregnancy. I pray she safely has a very healthy, normal and happy beautiful baby.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear St Anthony please intercede and pray that D is blessed with every idea she needs to make my song great and successful for me this year and that abundance is flowing into every part of my life with ease now. Pray that I am safe and protected at all times and that increase and opportunities are flowing to me now and everything I was caused to lose is returning to me multiplied now. Amen.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Hi Brothers & Sisters, I have recently lost my job and today is an interview scheduled in another company. Please pray for me so that i can get selected in the interview. Glory to the lord. Amen.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear Lord thankyou for being there for me and hearing and listening to my prayer please be there for my mam and dad as they travel to scotland for their holiday as i know my mum does not feel up to it because of her dizzyness but I want her to feel ok and know she can get out as she is just stuck in all day and feeling miserable. I need some me time to d stress thankyou lord
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Hi, Yesterday was my mum's 76th birthday, name is Andris and today is dad's 81st birthday (deceased), name is Sugiharto. Please pray for my mum's health and my dad's soul in purgatory/heaven. I also pray for my financial future. I pray to get a high paying job that I can keep so I can travel with my mum and not make her worry. I have been selective with my job offers and I'm starting to regret not taking some of the jobs. Hopefully I can get back on my feet again and hope my future employer do not demand such impossible requests from me. ...May I always put God in first place. Thank you for everything and God bless. Amen.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

For Z A’s intentions, keep him Safe and happy. Protect, support and guide him. I over this prayer for all his intentions. Thank you Amen
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please hear my prayer, Please let my father Alex and grandparents Margaret and Charles be comfortable and pain free. May they be protected, safe and happy in where they are. May God continue to care for them . They are truly missed, thank you for listening Amen
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please hear my prayer continue to watch over my children and nephew and niece. Give them the strength, guidance, direction, support and protection that they need. Please help them each meet someone now who will treat them well and who will love them, care for them, protect,, support and commit to them. Please help them as each want to have their own partner and children. Let this happen soon as possible and let them be happy and content. Please let them be happy and content Amen
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please St. Anthony please bring me and my real friends of decades including my childhood/lifelong friend and I back together. Please also let me make up with M.V. so we're even closer and better friends than we were before. please also letl me hear from G.N. and let this be soon. Let me hear from KC and RC. Somehow let them miss our friendship and call. Thank you. .
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Praying for a God loving, good man who loves me, is good to me and who I love. Please make this happen St. Anthony. Thank you for past answered prayers.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

St. Anthony I pray to you with all my heart to please find me a new home where I'll be very happy, a home that's beautiful and blessed. Let it be a great deal and somehow let me know that's the new home for me. I'm so unhappy here. This was a trap. Please help me break the hold this apartment has on me and let me live. Too many years of misery here. ...THANK YOU FOR PAST ANSWERED PRAYERS AND FOR YOUR INTERCESSION. THANK YOU DEAR GOD.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Ease moms pain ...please my dear Saint and Lord Jesus
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear lord please make sc compassionate..
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Lord our Saviour, Kindly heal my father, who underwent Brain surgery and is bedridden. Jesus, revive & repair his brain cells/nerves completely without any memory loss. Regulate his BP and other vitals to normal. Grace him with physical strength to talk and walk on his own and regain his lost weight. Kindly restore his cognitive senses and body reflexes swiftly. Bless nurses and physiotherapist team with wisdom and skill. Bless for his successful cranioplasty and tracheostomy removal surgery scheduled in April first week and outcome positive results. Bless his family in agony who are seeking your love, mercy and divine miracle. Repel away witchcraft, curse, black magic and evil spirit against him. In Jesus Powerful Name.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

When at night I go to sleep, Fourteen angels watch do keep, Two my head are guarding, Two my feet are guiding; Two upon my right hand, Two upon my left hand. Two who warmly cover, Two who o'er me hover, Two to whom 'tis given, To guide my steps to heaven.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please make my child get into the college of his choice..
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear Lord bless mom son pa me sc ds
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

1. For my deceased parent and relatives... 2. For the salvation of myself and family: Gina, Keon, Stephen, Kerturah, Simone, siblings, nephews, nieces, cousins, friends, and godchildren. 3. For my son Keon, for god’s blessing, guidance, protection against evil and sin, success in his career, for his salvation, and to increase his love for family. 4. For healing for my cousin Canice, Steve, and Mark from their psychological challenges 5. For protection of Gina, Keon, Stephen, family, and the world from pandemics 6. For guidance in making the right decisions with regards to retirement and future plans I ask all in Jesus name.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Prayers for the complete healing of my Brother in law indrajit , who is suffering from 4th stage pancreatic cancer
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Thank You for everything Lord. Amen
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Heavenly Father, blessed Mother, Lord Jesus & good saints. In good conscience I can't stand this job. The people are horrible, the work isn't fulfilling & it's a toxic situation all around. I took it out of need & not want, have stuck it out & am trying to make it work, but it just doesn't. I pray for something that's a good fit for the talents You have blessed me with, has a short commute & pays a lot better sadly Please help. Thank You for everything. Amen.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Holy Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do you, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God cast into Hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Angel of God, My Guardian Dear, to whom God's love commits me here. Ever this day be at my side, to light and to guard, to rule and guide. Amen.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, Holy Family; pray for me.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Father; Deliver me from everyone and everything that would interfere with and interrupt my sleep in any way, shape, or form. Banish them as far away as possible. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Could you please take a moment to pray for my special intention? Sometimes just knowing someone prayed for you really lifts you up. I would really appreciate it! Thank you for your kindness, and may God bless you and the ones you love.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Could you please take a moment to pray for my special intention? Sometimes just knowing someone prayed for you really lifts you up. I would really appreciate it! Thank you for your kindness, and may God bless you and the ones you love.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please pray that my mom will grow stronger, and recover from this illness. Please pray for a miracle of healing. Please pray for her to recover and make it through all this. God, please send a miracle.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please pray for loving and healing communication to open up between R and me, and for our relationship to heal and grow stronger.
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear Holy St. Anthony Of Padua , Please Pray to Almighty God to Bless ,Guide & Lead the US President Donald. J. Trump his Administration so that they act wisely... ...I Pray this in Holy Faith in Your Almighty Power to intercede between Humans & Almighty God ,Amen. Yours in Christ Jesus ,
Friday Mar, 28, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Take care of us
Thursday Mar, 27, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Seeking prayer support again... Requesting urgent prayers for a miracle in the job front. By the grace and mercy of God - I plead for supernatural stability & security in the job, a supernatural breakthrough in my professional life. For the grace of deep holiness, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, love, joy and peace in the Holy Spirit. I need a deep physical and emotional healing, to carry out my daily duties. The grace to forgive and to heal all past wounds and people associated with my personal & professional life. For the healing and mercy of all those who were directly or indirectly afflicted by my words and deeds and their family members. For a dear family going through a divorce that they will be healed and saved by God's mercy. Thank you and God Bless You! Ave Maria! Dale J
Thursday Mar, 27, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Blessed be St Michael the arc angel, St Gabriel, St Raphael, St Chamuel, St Jophiel, St Zadkiel, St Uriel ,St Ariel, St Raziel, blessed be all the saints,martyrs,apostles,disciples,all the angels and spirits in the entire Universe and beyond. Blessed be all the governing forces in the entire Universe and beyond. Blessed be my Guardian angels, blessed be all the angels of my family members and near and dear ones,blessed be the guiding and governing angels at my work place and all the God's and other forces in the entire Universe.
Thursday Mar, 27, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please protect Kim from cyberbullying and harassment ... As a result he is currently suffering from tremendous stress and may suffer large financial penalties. Please help to ensure justice prevail and all the evil parties are punished . Please help to restore Kim’s reputation and image . Please give him strength and courage to go through this ordeal.
Thursday Mar, 27, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Widow Urgent Please Restore All missing stolen funds from estate+ @ various locations us & Europe amen
Thursday Mar, 27, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear St. My daughter is not talking to my sister from one daughter is stubborn,for she says my sister should first talk to my daughter.During this lent my daughter can't forgive elders.even she has stopped talking to Her boyfriend Prajwal.Please please pray so that she becomes very humble and repent, and talk to my sister and ask her forgiveness.Also let her repent and talk to her boyfriend Prajwal immediately.
Thursday Mar, 27, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Jesus; bless the owners and employees of Pump & Pantry and see to their needs. Help and guide them always. Amen.
Thursday Mar, 27, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

God, I consecrate our family 2 daughter’s bright future @ your feet. anoint us with the Holy spirit. Take control of all our situations Master. Mother Mary please hide our family in your mantle. Thanks. St. Anthony please pray for our family. Thank you.
Thursday Mar, 27, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear St Anthony bless my family and my children Antoathin and daughter Aashika and save their lives. Heal my son Antoathin and daughter Aashika cough and Adukku Thummal problem. Save my profession. Save my sister husband from addict with alcohol. Save my sister kohila from her health problems. Thank you Jesus Christ.
Thursday Mar, 27, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

For faith, peace , and healing. May our Lord bless and protect our families, friends, and coworkers. For safe travels. Healing for my wife who has chronic anemia. Saint Anthony please pray for us.
Thursday Mar, 27, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please keep Matthew in prayer he is on an oxygen tank this morning. 
Thursday Mar, 27, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

I pray for you and all who pray for others. May God bless you and Jesus love you and the Holy Spirit gift you what you each need at Holy Mary and Saint Joseph watch over you all. Amen Xxx
Thursday Mar, 27, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Bless those of us who pray here, that held in your embrace, we may comfort and nurture others who are cold, hungry, sick, imprisoned, oppressed, addicted, troubled, or discouraged welcoming them into the joy of your community.
Thursday Mar, 27, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

That E and F continue to find a solution to their relationship difficulties, and for all the people and intentions we pray for (pain relief, health, jobs, grace of a happy death, etc.) and that all our family and friends maintain or return to an orthodox belief and faith in God and Church, and that they all receive the peace, strength, support, and recognition they need at this time, let us pray to the Lord.
Thursday Mar, 27, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Father hear our prayers for us, our families, relatives, friends, neighbors, contractors, others named previously, the sick members of our community, and all of their families. Amid mental and physical suffering may they find consolation in your healing presence. Show your mercy as you close wounds, cure illness, make broken bodies whole, and free downcast spirits. May these special people find lasting health and deliverance and join us in thanking you for all your gifts.
Thursday Mar, 27, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Eternal rest grant unto Jeff P, Jo Ann B, Bob K, others previously prayed for, those who prayed here but have passed and their families, ancestors and descendants, O Lord, and let the perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen
Thursday Mar, 27, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

In blessed repose, O Lord, grant eternal rest to the Souls of Tina-Marie, Chris, Georgette, Ann, Leo, Irene, William, others previously prayed for, all in our history, those who prayed here but have passed, and their families, ancestors, and descendants and make their memory to be eternal! Memory eternal!
Thursday Mar, 27, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

Father, I ask You to bless my family, relatives, friends, and those I care deeply for, especially FT. Show them a new revelation of Your love and power. Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit now. Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy. Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace. Where there is a need, I ask you to fulfill their needs. Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and comings. Amen.
Thursday Mar, 27, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...

In thanksgiving for favors received, for persecuted Christians everywhere, all suffering from terrorism, war, or natural disasters, the sick and dying, the souls in purgatory, the homeless, the hungry, the abused, the lonely, those seeking work, those with relationship concerns, caregivers, guardians, first responders, and our special and unspoken intentions, we pray to the Lord.
Thursday Mar, 27, 2025

Lord, hear our prayer...