A Journey of Faith and Spiritual Preparation
Advent 2022
The first Sunday of Advent, November 27, 2022, starts the new Liturgical Year—a new journey of faith and spiritual preparation. Advent is a wonderful opportunity to reexamine where we have been and where we want to be.

Purple fabric stole in confessional in church. Faith and religion
During this time when our daily lives become very hectic and filled with activity, let’s really try to stop and think about what this Advent Season is all about. Maybe set a timer or reminder on your computer or phone for the same time each day. Stop what you are doing, go to a quiet place, and ask God to enter your life in the way you need him most.
How about starting off the Advent Season by going to confession? Each confession is like a fresh beginning. When we let go of our sins and past mistakes, it allows us to enter into Christmas with joy. We can embrace the Lord with our whole heart.
At a recent Mass, the new priest in my parish talked about how we worry way too much about going to confession, and how many people have a lot of fear about going to confession. He explained that fear is Satan trying to keep our focus on future fears rather than present blessings, and that you could not tell him anything that he has not already heard in the confessional. We are missing out on God’s healing through forgiveness when we don’t go to confession.
To help you on your journey, we are offering a free resource that we hope will help you realize a more meaningful Advent. Sign up here to receive Advent 2022: Daily Reflections with St. Francis, a pocketbook written by Diane Houdek from our publishing ministry, Franciscan Media. It includes daily meditations and prayers for each day of Advent. I enjoy starting my day with this booklet of prayers and reflections. I hope you do, too
During Advent, we are also called to pay special attention to the poor and to give alms generously. We ask that you consider a gift to the Franciscans this Advent to help the poor. We will be good stewards of your gift.
May your Advent Season be blessed.
Colleen Cushard
P.S. You are always welcome to visit us online at Franciscan.org or StAnthony.org. Send us your feedback at friarworks@franciscan.org
Posted in: Advent and Christmas, Prayer, Saint Francis