Fr. Bert Heise, OFM, and the Luxury of Prayer

Fr. Bert Heise, OFM, and the Luxury of Prayer

Fr. Bert Heise, OFM, although retired, keeps very active praying for you at his beloved nursing care facility. Below are his words excerpted from his weekly newsletters:

Friar Works Co-Director Colleen Cushard visiting Fr. Bert

My Dear People,

As a (younger) Franciscan friar and priest, a luxury I never had, was plenty of time to pray. Of course, there was daily Mass, the Divine Office (now the Prayer of Christians), the Rosary, my personal prayers, and occasionally a Holy Hour. Yes!

But here at the St. Margaret Hall Nursing Home I can spend a Holy Hour (or more) every day without the tensions of parish work. Each morning there are prayers individually for my family living and deceased, for friars and people I lived with and worked with, for needs in the Church and our Franciscan Province, for everyone here at the nursing home----a very long list each day.

And since I usually con-celebrate Mass daily (another priest is the principal celebrant), I will say Mass for YOUR intentions (our generous benefactors and friends) one Mass every Monday.

God love you!    Fr. Bert Heise, OFM

Fr. Bert in St. Margaret Hall Chapel

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