Br. Adam Farkas, OFM - A Heart for People
Talk with Brother Adam Farkas, OFM, for even the briefest moment and you’ll be infected with his open heart and love for people.
The Franciscan charism has influenced Adam his whole life. His parents, who grew up in Hungary, are farmers and have a deep respect for the earth and its creatures in the vein of St. Francis of Assisi. Their parish, Holy Cross Hungarian Roman Catholic Church, with both English and Hungarian Masses, is lead by Franciscan friars. And he remembers thinking, “Someday I’ll be a friar,” as early as six years of age.
Now in his early twenties, Adam is following the path to becoming a Franciscan Brother. He speaks English, Hungarian, and German; is majoring in Catholic Studies at Xavier University and lives in the Interprovincial House of Temporary Professed in Chicago.
He is inspired in this life by his fellow companions in formation who have risen to the challenges, as well as the seasoned friars often with over fifty years of experience, in listening to the Holy Spirit and following the vows and rule of St. Francis. Lives inspired to live a simple life of holiness, a life of humility before God, and love for all people. One mark of this humility is the Franciscan habit.
The brown Franciscan habit which speaks of a divesting of the material world, a sign of littleness, (they are the Order of Friars Minor) is an unusual sight in this day and can bring one much attention. This attention, Adam finds, brings great hope and great responsibility. Hope for those who ask him, “Is God really with me?” And responsibility, habit or not, that Adam takes seriously. “I’m not just Adam but Brother Adam, a public person, to be available to people with both my heart and mind.” To be available to share the joys and sorrows of this world with others and reveal Christ who surrounds them.
Brother Adam has several more years of school and ministry before taking his Solemn Vows and fully joining the Order and the Province of Saint John the Baptist.
When asked what ministry he may want to pursue in his next years of formation, he answers, “Evangelization.” How fitting for him, with his great love for God, to introduce the heart of Christ to the hearts of people.

After 1st Profession - Br. Eric Seguin, Br. Adam Farkas, Br. Jonathan Beer, Br. William Gibson, Provincial Mininster Fr. Jeffrey Scheeler, and Br. Norbert Bertram from the Novitiate team.
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