
Happy Feast of St. Clare

Prayer, Saint Clare

Thanks for praying the Novena to St. Clare with us. We have provided additional resources about St. Clare we thought you might enjoy. Happy Feast of St. Clare! The Blessing of St. Clare May Almighty God bless…

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Carmen relies on her friend, Tony

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Dear Franciscan Friars, Thank you for all that you do. Sometime ago my telephone was not working properly and I couldn’t find someone to help me. I prayed and prayed to St. Anthony and thought I would just let…

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Drew's St. Anthony story

Prayer, Saint Anthony

About two weeks ago, I was preparing for a trip that was important to me. Much preparation had been invested in the trip, not only by myself but by many others. I have never in my life lost a…

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Why did St. Anthony seem so familiar?

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Candles and prayers in the grotto at the St. Anthony Shrine. My mother was always praying to St. Anthony. I remember as a child, she called on him for help all the time and with six kids, she…

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A deep devotion to St. Anthony through the years and generations

Prayer, Saint Anthony

The Le Mieux Family St. Anthony Chapel is now a part of the Coffrin Arboretum of the University of Wisconsin Green Bay. Joseph Le Mieux was a stone mason who traveled around the Great Lakes and built lighthouses…

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Novena to St. Anthony of Padua

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Pray with us The National Shrine of St. Anthony celebrates the Novena to St. Anthony every Tuesday at 2:30 pm and at the 7:00 pm evening Mass. We would love to celebrate with you but if you can’t make…

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Franciscan retreats and pilgrimages

Events, Prayer, Saint Francis

Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi, Italy Spiritual journeys with the Franciscans A retreat or pilgrimage can be life changing. A time of spiritual growth and deepening of your walk with God. Our Franciscan friars want to help…

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St. Anthony helps with fury over files.

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Frustration at work The auditors were in our office in January which frankly is never a lot of fun. They are very nice people, pleasant to work with, and do important work for us but with my already full…

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Lent in the Spirit of St. Francis

Events, Lent and Easter, Prayer

St. Anthony Shrine Lenten Series from Franciscan Media on Vimeo. Our Journey of Mercy “We have this beautiful place that is one of the best-kept secrets in Cincinnati,” says Fr. Clifford Hennings, Director of Shrine Ministry…

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St. Anthony finds Miriam's mother's diamond

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Miriam’s Shrine to St. Anthony Love, devotion, faith I would like to share my story of my love for St. Anthony. My experience happened when we lived in Atlanta, Georgia. I was busy cleaning our home one morning…

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