
St. Clare Novena - Day 4

Prayer, Saint Clare

Let us pray.  Please pray that God’s light shines within each of us and we radiate that light to others. Click on the video below to follow along with Sr. Vickie Griner, OSC, of the Franciscan Monastery of St. Clare…

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St. Clare Novena - Day 3

Prayer, Saint Clare

Let us pray.  Today we pray for all those suffering from broken relationships and family struggles. Click on the video below to follow along with Sr. Vickie Griner, OSC, of the Franciscan Monastery of St. Clare in Cincinnati.  Or read…

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St. Clare Novena - Day 2

Prayer, Saint Clare

Let us pray.  Please pray for the poor, forgotten, desperate and lonely around the world and in our neighborhoods. Click on the video below to follow along with Sr. Vickie Griner, OSC, of the Franciscan Monastery of St. Clare in…

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St. Clare Novena - Day One

Prayer, Saint Clare

Thank you for joining us for the Solemn Novena to St. Clare. Click on the video below to follow along with Sr. Vickie Griner, OSC, of the Franciscan Monastery of St. Clare in Cincinnati.  Or read the prayer below the…

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St. Anthony grants mother's unusual request.

Prayer, Saint Anthony

A story shared in honor of the Feast of St. Anthony Thank you St. Anthony for all you do for my family. That being said, I personally could list numerous stories in which St. Anthony has helped me but…

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Friars chart a new course


Provincial Minister Mark Soehner address the friars at Chapter. Today, there are seven Franciscan provinces in the United States. On May 30, 2018, the friars of six of those provinces voted to support the formation of one new…

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Missing a prayer card on a very important day

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Prayer to Jesus thru the intercession of St. Anthony I misplaced a favorite, effective Holy Spirit prayer card. I looked everywhere it might be located and did not find it. I prayed to Jesus thru the intercession of St. Anthony…

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St. Anthony helps mom build children's faith

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Thank you dearest St. Anthony I thank you for all the help and divine intercession . The miracle that you did made me speechless. One fine day, I had to go for the catechism orientation for the parents in…

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St. Anthony sighting

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Unbelievable miracle of St. Anthony I always thought of St. Anthony as the boring Saint. After all, all he is known for is finding lost things, compared to more exciting saints that were martyred or performed amazing miracles. Well,…

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St. Anthony helped relieve Margot's frustration

Prayer, Saint Anthony

A light in the dark On a dark, cold, and drizzly February evening, I met my son to buy patio furniture for his new home. The people selling the outdoor table and chairs were a long 45 minute drive…

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