
The decisions of our lives

Newsletter, Prayer, Senior Friars

Fr. Jim Van Vurst, OFM One sure sign of growing into maturity is the willingness and ability to “take responsibility for our choices in life.”  Obviously, all of us are influenced by many circumstances, some of which are…

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$10,000 Jasper Challenge Matching Gift

Events, Missions, Prayer, Saint Francis, Senior Friars

Will You Remember Our Retired Friars? ~ Do not cast me aside in my old age; as my strength fails, do not forsake me –Psalms 71:9 Nurse Michelle taking Br. Josef’s, 77, blood pressure during one of…

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St Anthony helps relieve JoAnn's panic.

Prayer, Saint Anthony

JoAnn in California relies on St. Anthony ~ On a Wednesday of this year I had gone to a big box store for carpets.  I used my credit card.  Then I stopped in at a local McDonalds and purchased…

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Loading the "Get Kids To School" van

Missions, Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Anthony, Saint Francis

Loading ‘Josey’ the van is a science and an art. ~ Now in its seventh year, the Get Kids to School program in Negril, Jamaica, is making sure 150 children have the uniforms and supplies they need to…

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Br. Michael Charron defending families

Missions, Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Francis, Vocations

Br. Michael Charron, OFM, outside the courthouse Friar student is getting grounded in real-life law ~ In the real world of lawyering, you put on a suit, go to court and try to resolve conflicts. That’s exactly…

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New Vocations team

Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Francis, Vocations

Vocations Director Fr. Page Polk and Associate Director Fr. Richard Goodin The two new faces in the Vocation office are Fr. Page Polk, OFM, Director of Vocations (left) and Fr. Richard Goodin, OFM, Assoc. Director of Vocations (right). …

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Julia left us laughing

Estate Planning, Newsletter, Prayer, Support the Friars

Friar Works Co-Director Colleen Cushard I love my job! ~ Usually when I got a call from Julia, I would hang up afterwards laughing and shaking my head.  One of our longtime supporters, she was a feisty…

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Another successful find thanks to St. Anthony

Jesus, Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Anthony

Listening to the prompting of the Lord ~ I just wanted to send a gift and note to give thanks to God and St. Anthony for helping me to find my phone last week (June 13) that I lost…

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Fr. Colin King, a blessing to God's people

Jesus, Missions, Newsletter, Prayer, Vocations

Fr. Colin with Avaree, the newest altar server at St. Mary’s After eight years of formation and study, newly ordained Fr. Colin King, OFM was eager to begin his first assignment as a priest and missionary in Negril,…

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Fr. Jim Bok keeping limitations in perspective

Jesus, Missions, Newsletter, Prayer

Fr. Jim at his 70th birthday party Word spread fast about the breaking of my leg the night I had my 70th birthday party.  Thanks to everyone for your concern and prayerful support.  I am currently in the rehab…

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