
More than one St. Anthony story to tell.

Missions, News, Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Anthony

The Great Wall of China is the backdrop for this photo of Mary Beth’s husband Jack with their daughter Jen who was teaching in China at the time. Mary Beth shares two stories of St. Anthony’s help.…

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Hearing St. Anthony

Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Anthony

Paul heard, “Stop and get out of the vehicle.” ~ I wasn’t going to explain the check, but I changed my mind. The $100 check is what I promised St. Anthony if he would help me locate my wedding…

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Resources for your journey through Lent

Lent and Easter, Newsletter, Pope Francis, Prayer, Saint Francis

Let the Franciscans guide you through Lent. ~ So many people wanted the popular pocket-size booklet, Lent with St. Francis, 2017: Meditations and Prayers for Each Day of Lent, that we ran out! But you can read the electronic version…

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What is salvation?

Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Francis

‘Crucifixion and Saints’ by Fra Angelico (1441-1442) Public domain Fr. Jim Van Vurst, OFM, answers the question of salvation ~ From time to time in talking with good and faithful people, I realize they have a basic…

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Navy Veteran Frank Silva Pledges 10% of Estate to Franciscans

Missions, Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Francis

Frank Silva serving in Vietnam in the early 1970’s What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas… Not as far as Las Vegas resident Frank Silva is concerned. ~ The retired U.S. Navy Petty Officer, who has lived…

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The Christmas that almost wasn't

Advent and Christmas, Events, Missions, Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Anthony, Saint Francis

Volunteer Tom Grassa, Sr. Francesca, and Br. Al Mascia filled the Care’avan with hundreds of useful items to be turned into CarePax and distributed on the streets of Detroit You think I’d know better by now. ~…

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St. Anthony's Quad Beer

Events, Missions, Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Anthony

Fr. Frank Jasper (left) prays while Fr. Carl Langenderfer blesses the beer mash that will become St. Anthony’s Quad with brewmaster Josh Elliott and Brett Kollmann Baker of Urban Artifact Brewery. The article below was first…

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Fr. Mark Soehner, OFM - A Franciscan Reflection on the Year of Mercy

Events, Newsletter, Pope Francis, Prayer, Saint Anthony, Saint Francis, Year of Mercy

Message of hope, faith, and mercy resonates ~ Tricia Griffith settles into a pew for a presentation by Fr. Mark Soehner. “This guy is so wonderful I’m recording him,” says Tricia, who hears Mark preach when she…

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Two nice people celebrate their blessings

Missions, Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Francis

Colleen Cushard, Co-Director of Friar Works, has the best job. ~ When I was applying for the job with the Franciscans, I vividly remember Fr. Jim Bok telling me that he had the best job in the Province. …

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St. Anthony finds lost dog

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Found – 1 lost dog – ~ This may sound silly to you – but – we (my husband and I – both 89 years) were dog sitting while my daughter and her husband went on vacation. The…

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