
What is heaven really like?

Newsletter, Prayer, Senior Friars

Fr. Jim Van Vurst, OFM, helps us understand what heaven is like. ~ At the outset, I have to say that that I have not been to heaven and returned to describe it to you. But the good…

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Franciscan Artists & Friends exhibit

Advent and Christmas, Events, Newsletter, Prayer, Senior Friars

Music of My Soul by Cedric Michael Cox Artists nourish our souls and help us to see the world in a different way. ~ Five artists will share their work at the Franciscan Artists & Friends Exhibit on…

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A Franciscan Christmas

Advent and Christmas, Events, Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Francis, Senior Friars

St. Francis of Assisi loved Christmas and we do too! ~ Provincial Minister Fr. Jeff Scheeler expresses our gratitude in the video above. This holiday season please invite your friends and family to ‘A Franciscan Christmas’ in…

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Top Ten Friar Questions

Missions, Newsletter, Pope Francis, Prayer, Saint Francis, Vocations

Br. Casey Cole, OFM, of Holy Name Province reaches the world through his blog, “Breaking in the Habit.” In this video he answers the Top 10 Questions he gets asked the most often about being a Franciscan friar. Questions…

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Dance to raise the roof

Advent and Christmas, Events, Missions, Newsletter, Prayer

The annual Christmas Dance at St. Mary of the Angels in New Orleans will raise money for the new roof. “Keep Jesus in the center of your house” ~ Fr. Dennis Bosse dances with parishioner…

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St. Anthony, a truly great Saint

Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Anthony

Like finding a needle in a haystack, St. Anthony came through for John & Maria. ~ While trimming a hedge a few weeks ago my husband lost his hearing aid in the clippings he had gathered…

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Fr. Saleem Amir, OFM, to minister in Jamaica

Events, Missions, News, Newsletter, Pope Francis, Prayer, Saint Francis

Fr. Saleem Amir, OFM, at SJB’s information table for a Missionary Conference held in Cincinnati, Ohio Pakistani friar is at home wherever he goes ~ His first week in Cincinnati, Fr. Saleem Amir, happened upon a birthday party…

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Fr. Cliff Hennings, OFM

Missions, Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Anthony, Saint Francis, Vocations

  Why follow St. Francis? ~ “I wanted to live this Gospel in a way that was full of life, full of joy, that was exciting,” says newly ordained Fr. Clifford Hennings, OFM, in the video above. Fr.…

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Is it a lack of faith if we worry?

Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Anthony, Saint Francis, Senior Friars

Fr. Jim Van Vurst, OFM, gives advice for this common stressful concern. ~ The question above is one that I’m sure many good and faithful Christians may have asked themselves. The logic that raises its head at times of…

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Fr. Mark Soehner to give Year of Mercy talk

Events, Missions, Newsletter, Pope Francis, Prayer, Saint Anthony, Saint Francis, Uncategorized, Year of Mercy

Celebrating Pope Francis’ Jubilee Year of Mercy ~ Mercy is very dear to Franciscans, in fact in some ways, it is our vocation.  An early life of St. Francis, called the Legend of the Three Companions, described our way…

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