
A roadside angel named Anthony

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Never fear, St. Anthony is here! ~ I was on a short trip to a casino and my car broke down.  I’ve always had a special devotion to St. Anthony.  I was standing along side the road, looking at…

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Doubting your faith

Newsletter, Pope Francis, Prayer, Saint Anthony, Saint Francis, Senior Friars, Year of Mercy

Fr. Jim, Can you help me deal with doubts that sometimes pop into my mind about our Catholic faith? I always feel uneasy.  Louise ~ Fr. Jim Van Vurst Dear Louise, I’m more than happy to help…

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Br. Michael Charron, OFM, starts law school

Missions, Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Francis, Vocations

Br. Michael Charron, OFM Br. Michael Charron has been attending the Appalachian School of Law (ASL) for about a month now.  ASL’s mission is to produce lawyers with a sense of professional responsibility who will become leaders in…

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Br. Mark Gehret, OFM, moves to Mississippi

Missions, News, Newsletter, Prayer

Br. Mark Gehret, OFM, receives a send-off blessing from the New Orleans Poor Clares “I thanked the Lord for bringing me to this rural place.” ~ Br. Mark Gehret, OFM, left New Orleans, Louisiana bound for Greenwood,…

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St. Anthony shines a light

Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Anthony

I was shocked! ~ I always hung my gold chain with the Blessed Mother medal on the little lamp on the table.  One morning it was not there.  My husband, son and I looked for three days…

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Getting Kids to School in Jamaica

Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Anthony

Students and parents stand in front of Josey the school van with Fr. Jim Bok, OFM, outside St. Anthony’s Kitchen Facing our future with hope ~ Because of the generosity of our donors, kids that…

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Mother Teresa and the Franciscans

Events, Missions, News, Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Francis

Mother Teresa in Cincinnati ~ “I can’t believe I actually shook hands with a saint,” recalls benefactor and friend, Marian Souders, reflecting on Mother Teresa’s visit to the Franciscan Seminary in 1981. Mother Teresa…

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Fr. Roger Lopez returns to Roger Bacon H.S.

News, Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Francis

Fr. Roger Lopez, OFM, in the classroom at Roger Bacon, H. S. Fr. Roger Lopez, OFM, returns to Roger Bacon H.S. as a newly ordained priest ~ “It is amazing that four years have passed so quickly…

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How can I get my children to return to the Church without nagging?

Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Anthony, Year of Mercy

Fr. Jim Van Vurst recently answered a mother’s confidential question  Since this is a very common concern for parents, with her permission, we are sharing Fr. Jim’s wise advice. ~ Dear Mary Ann, Thanks for writing. As I read your email,…

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Search for identity as a Catholic woman

Missions, Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Anthony, Saint Francis

Have you ever been dead tired? ~ Colleen Mitchell We all get tired from time to time. But have you ever felt so drained that you just can’t take it anymore? Have you ever withdrawn from…

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