
St. Anthony helps Fr. J.J.

Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Anthony, Senior Friars

Fr. John received this St. Anthony story from fellow Franciscan friar J.J. Gonchar ~ Dear John, Peace! The ‘Finding of the Lost’ was similar to what happened to me some months ago. I had lost my house key.  I…

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Wake the world with song

News, Prayer

Fr. Fred Link, OFM, leads the choir practice for the ‘Wake Up the World’ concert celebrating consecrated life. Concert is a celebration of religious life ~ It’s the second full rehearsal for “Wake Up the World!”…

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Gift Ideas for Advent and Christmas

Advent and Christmas, Missions, Newsletter, Pope Francis, Prayer, Saint Anthony, Saint Francis

 Prepare for Advent and the Holiday season with thoughtful books and gifts from our ministries ~ Advent prepares our hearts to receive Christ.  Franciscan Media is your resource for inspiration and holiday gift-giving.

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Spirit-Filled Friar: Br. Al honored for his work

Events, Missions, Newsletter, Prayer

brother al for dinner mp4 -2 from Echo Spark Films on Vimeo. Passion for peace, a heart for the poor ~ Accepting a prestigious award, Br. Al Mascia did something very predictable: He turned the…

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Animals can't hide from St. Anthony

Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Anthony

St. Anthony purr-fectly finds this elusive feline ~ St. Anthony finds animals also! St. Anthony has helped me too many times to mention but this one takes the cake. My wife and I were watching my daughters cat…

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Capturing the Spirit of Pope Francis' US Visit

Missions, News, Pope Francis, Prayer, Vocations

“They are going to see one of the most generous personalities currently in the world.” –Tunney King, father of Br. Colin King, OFM ~

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Mariemont on a Mission

Missions, Newsletter, Prayer

Lauren and classmates from Mariemont High School with Fr. Jim and friends in Jamaica On Monday, June 29th, eleven volunteers from Cincinnati arrived in Negril, Jamaica. John, Amy, Lauren and Parker Getgey were making their fourth trip to…

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Sea, sand, and St. Anthony

Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Anthony

   The vastness of sand and sea can’t keep St. Anthony from finding a treasured ring. ~ Years ago my husband took his aunt, our two little girls and myself to the beach. I was heavily…

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A big job for St. Anthony

Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Anthony

At work, we share St. Anthony stories all the time. Here’s one from Margot who works in the finance office. ~ Bless St. Anthony, I just love the way he works in my life. One busy Saturday this…

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Br. Tim Lamb, OFM - Destination Africa

Missions, News, Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Francis

Br. Tim talks about his new blog, a spiritual diary called “Omnes Donum Est” (All Is Gift) ~ Br. Tim with his Missioning Crucifix More than once Br. Tim Lamb, OFM, has been…

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