
Celebrating Dad - Fr. Jeff Scheeler, OFM

News, Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Francis

Fr. Jeff’s Dad, Gordon Scheeler When I was 16 and just got my driver’s license, I was driving with my younger brother to a Red’s baseball game, and I had my first accident. I was using my dad’s…

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Celebrating Dad - Fr. Richard Goodin, OFM

Missions, News, Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Francis

Fr. Richard Goodin, Jr., OFM, with his father Richard My father used to wear classy suits to work.  He worked in the office (at the family business) and like his father and uncle, he wore business dress daily. …

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Fr. Jeff meets Pope Francis

News, Prayer, Saint Clare, Saint Francis, Vocations

Provincial Minister Fr. Jeff Scheeler, OFM, greets Pope Francis. Photo: ©L’Osservatore Romano “Thank you, Holy Father, for the hope that you give us.” ~ Fr. Jeff with General Minister Fr. Michael Perry, OFM The General…

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Celebrating Dad - Fr. Ric Schneider, OFM

Missions, News, Prayer, Saint Francis, Senior Friars

The Schneider family on the occasion of Otto and Anna’s 25th wedding anniversary in 1941. Top row L-R: Victor (Fr. Bernardin, OFM) Marcella, Jeannette, Otto, Anna, Cecilia, Dorothy, Bertrand (Fr. Chris, OFM), Bottom row L-R: Kenneth, Norbert, Raymond…

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Pilgrimage to Assisi with Fr. John Quigley, OFM

Events, News, Prayer, Saint Clare, Saint Francis

Santa Maria de Angeles in Assisi, Italy Walk the pathways of Saint Francis and Saint Clare October 27 – November 6 ~ Fr. John Quigley, OFM Join Fr. John Quigley, OFM, of Friars Studio Pilgrimage Program…

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Celebrating Dad - Fr. Jim Bok, OFM

Missions, News, Prayer, Saint Francis

Front row L-R: John Bok Sr., Margaret, Jim (Fr. Jim Bok, OFM)Back row L-R: Mary, John Jr.(Fr. John Bok, OFM), Jerry My dad, John Bok, was one of the kindest, gentlest, respectful, honest and just persons I…

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Celebrating Dad - Fr. Carl Langenderfer, OFM

Missions, News, Prayer, Saint Anthony, Saint Francis

Fintan Langenderfer My Dad was a Cincinnati Public Schools teacher, and had off in the summer, so my brothers and I used to spend our summers building a house with our Dad, usually in Springdale. We built a…

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Celebrating "Corpus Christi" in Jerusalem

Events, Missions, Prayer

“Despite being in a centuries-old structure, one can imagine the hillside tombs near the rock of Golgotha, and the stone rolled back” ~ The Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi, in earlier times) was celebrated…

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St. Anthony finds tax relief for Carole

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Tax woes?  Let St. Anthony find your tax relief. ~      I think I am keeping St. Anthony busy these days.      He found 3 very important forms that I needed to file an extension for my income…

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Free to be children of God, Kairos Prison Ministry

Missions, Prayer, Saint Francis

Prison ministry opens eyes, changes hearts For the most isolated members of society, there are few reminders of home. Cookies are one of them. And like everything else in Kairos Prison Ministry, they are given with love. Cookies…

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