
Care Pax -- Creative Service at its Finest

Missions, Prayer

What do a small, Catholic bookstore, an inner city Episcopal church, a suburban Buddhist temple, a reform Jewish synagogue and a Muslim community center have in common? ~ Care for their neighbors – that’s what.

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Fr. Larry Zurek, OFM

News, Prayer, Vocations

”Parish Ministry has been my blessing.” Fr. Larry Zurek, reflects on his career as a parish priest, as he prepares to leave his 11 years work in Peoria, Ill serving two inner city parishes, Sacred Heart and

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Pilgrimage to Fatima & Lourdes with Barcelona

News, Prayer

The grotto of Massabielle near Lourdes in France has had 66 Catholic Church approved miracles attributed to it in the 150 years since 14 year old Bernadette Soubirous was visited by visions of the Virgin Mary on that…

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Fr. Cyprian Berens, OFM

Prayer, Senior Friars

  Fr. Cyprian Berens, OFM, greets Pope John Paul II in 1989 Not everyone can say they have met Popes and Saints Though quite humble about it, Fr. Cyprian Berens, OFM has photos of himself with Pope John…

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"We both thought to pray to St. Anthony!"

Prayer, Saint Anthony

 They say, “Two heads are better than one” and so are two prayers to St. Anthony! Last winter, on our way to Texas, the vertical wheelchair lift on our van malfunctioned.  It was…

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Songs from the heart - Br. Bob Lucero, OFM

Events, Prayer, Saint Francis

  The most fitting memorial was music Br. Bob Lucero, OFM, understood the power of music.  It can soothe, inspire, enlighten, energize, and even heal. All of this was obvious at the funeral Mass for Bob when members of the

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"Hi, St. Anthony - It's me, Carole... again!"

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Do you frequently ask for St. Anthony’s help?  Then you and Carole have a lot in common. I can’t begin to count the number of lost items that St. Anthony has found for me! Once, when my daughter…

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Three stories of St. Anthony

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Need to find willpower? St. Anthony gives you strength. My name is Tracy and I want to share my story with you.  I am not a religious person (I wasn’t.)  I was a smoker for over 35 years and…

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Friars Club

News, Prayer

Building Futures with Fun, Faith, and Fitness The Friars Club impacts children in a positive way. Friars Club provides organized athletics (basketball, baseball and volleyball) for 700 boys and girls ages 5-17.  All programs focus on values of…

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Fr. Warren Zeisler, OFM

News, Prayer, Senior Friars, Uncategorized

Fr. Warren Zeisler, OFM has never been one of those people that is comfortable in the spotlight.  Instead, he goes about doing things very quietly.  He is generous with his time and is always volunteering to help out whenever and…

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