
Gaudete Sunday

Advent and Christmas, Prayer

‘Annunciation’ by Vasily Surikov (1914) Public domain This is Joyful Sunday, otherwise known as Gaudete Sunday. The Word today continues to take on hopeful notes, as The Nativity of Our Lord approaches. The close of the second…

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Advent with the Franciscans

Advent and Christmas, Missions, Prayer, Saint Anthony, Saint Francis

The Reason for the Season: Advent with the Franciscans at Northgate Mall.   Br. Michael Radomski, OFM, chats with a couple. May the Lord give you peace! The Franciscan Friars hope to provide a…

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Are you thankful for St. Anthony?

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Over 35,855 people ‘Like’ us on Facebook. Recently we asked, “As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, how are you thankful for St. Anthony?” Below are a few of the responses. Very thankful to St. Anthony!!! Thank you St.…

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Fr. Gil Wohler, OFM “He offered Mass in Zulu!”

Missions, Prayer, Senior Friars

Fr. Gil Wohler, OFM Doing a retrospective on oneself can be daunting!  Fr. Gil Wohler seemed to be taken back when asked to be interviewed.  He is more comfortable flying under the radar. Though initially reticent, he soon…

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A labor of love - and it shows

Missions, Prayer, Saint Francis

Some books are part of our lives, as cherished as old friends. They’re the ones you read over breakfast, carry on the bus or pull out at the end of the day.  That’s the kind of kinship Fr.…

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All Souls Day

Prayer, Saint Anthony

The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day) All Souls Day Mass is, in a very real way a funeral liturgy. The only thing missing is a casket with a loved one in it. Praying…

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What was the best moment in your life?

Prayer, Saint Anthony, Saint Francis

Living for that “sacred here and now” Welcome October! This is one of the most beautiful months of the year. The autumn colors in our portion of the state are becoming vivid. We are in for an incredible fall…

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Quick help from St. Anthony

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Lose something important? St. Anthony came through quickly for Marie Dear Father, Enclosed is a “thank you” check in honor of St. Anthony. I dropped my checkbook in a public parking lot but didn’t notice it until an hour…

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Fr. Hilarion Kistner, OFM

Prayer, Saint Francis, Senior Friars

By age 85, most people have earned the right to just sit back, relax and enjoy their days of retirement.  That is just not the case with Fr. Hilarion Kistner, O.F.M.  He is a very energetic and busy friar…

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Fr. Richard's mission: preaching, healing

Missions, Prayer

Fr. Richard Goodin, OFM, receives a blessing from Provincial Minister Fr. Jeff Scheeler, OFM, and the congregation Thanks to technology, missionaries are only a phone call or a Skype session away. But they are separated from loved…

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