
The "Other Brown" needs St. Anthony too

Prayer, Saint Anthony, Uncategorized

Enjoy this story from one of our Facebook followers   ‘St Anthony of Padua’ by Benozzo Gozzoli (1421-1497) Public domain One cold Snowy/Icy day in a suburban Detroit Parish, I was visiting the maintenance man when the UPS…

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Join us for the Feast of St. Anthony

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Sing with us ~ Worship with us ~ Pray with us, Friday, June 13 ~ 7:30 AM – Morning Mass Presider – Fr. Joe Ricchini, OFM 10:00 AM – St. Anthony Mass followed by Novena…

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Fr. Mark Soehner, OFM

Advent and Christmas, Missions, Prayer, Saint Anthony, Saint Francis, Vocations

TRIED BY FIRE   Fr. Mark Soehner, OFM Director of Franciscan Postulants, Fr. Mark Soehner is a survivor in more ways than one.  While pastoring an inner city parish in Detroit, MI., he took an antiquated elevator from…

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A deep friendship with St. Anthony

Prayer, Saint Anthony

An introduction forty years ago…   …As a poorly catechized, but devoutly fevered adult convert, I didn’t know much about anything: But was wide open to what I thought of as Holy Wonders. I was living with some friends who…

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Check is in the mail

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Ever wonder if St. Anthony hears you? Frances knows he does!   I spent most of today trying to find my check book to no avail. 9:00 am to 5:00 pm – no results I looked in logical places…

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The Church: home-base of second chances

Lent and Easter, Prayer

Musings from Fr. Dave Palm Sunday   With today’s liturgies, we begin the most sacred time of our church year: Holy Week begins, blending into the Sacred Triduum (Holy Thursday through Easter Sunday.) The Palm Leaf by William-Adolphe…

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A Renaissance Friar

Prayer, Saint Francis, Senior Friars

“I see each question, whether with a personal problem or something about scripture or theology as very important and when I am at my computer I often imagine the person to whom I am writing as if I were talking…

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Friends with "St. Tony"

Prayer, Saint Anthony, Saint Francis

A friend indeed. Helene writes about her friendship with “St. Tony”   Dear Editors St. Anthony of Padua My favorite saints are St. Francis of Assisi, St. Theresa of the Little Flower, and

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Real Men Don't Cry?

Lent and Easter, Missions, Prayer

The Raising of Lazarus by Rembrandt (1630) Public Domain 5th Sunday of Lent April 6, 2014   This week there is another long Gospel. It is the beautiful story of the Raising of Lazarus.   Easter is getting closer;…

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Waters of Eternal Life

Lent and Easter, Prayer

Musings from Fr. Dave Third Sunday of Lent March 23,  2014 Welcome spring! I am sure that everyone is happy to say goodbye to winter. I have been thinking about what to plant in my garden this year;…

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