
"Help someone else first, St. Anthony"

Prayer, Saint Anthony

“Help someone else first, before me, because it is only a thing and I can handle this loss,” writes Kathleen. Yet St. Anthony blesses her by finding the ‘thing’ she cherishes: her special charm bracelet.

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A Note to Fr. John from Pakistan

Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Anthony

Our E-Newsletter reaches people around the world   Dear Fr. John, Heartfelt greetings from Pakistan. My name is Samson, born in a Roman Catholic family in an Islamic state, Pakistan. From my childhood, I am a believer of St. Anthony.…

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Thanks to St. Anthony I didn't upset my Mum!

Prayer, Saint Anthony

We receive hundreds of wonderful, inspiring stories of prayers answered by St. Anthony.   Here is an awesome story from S…   Sharing… St. Anthony’s blessings. I was going to a wedding from work and was wearing two antique gold…

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Shrines of Ireland with Fr. Frank Jasper, OFM

Events, Missions, News, Prayer

Rock of Cashel Join Fr. Frank Jasper, OFM, on the journey of a lifetime!   Shrines of Ireland Tour October 22-31, 2014   Discover the most revered sites of the Emerald Isle.   Marian Shrine…

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Fr. Francisco O'Conaire, OFM, on JPIC Values

Missions, Prayer

Fr. Francisco O’Conaire, OFM What Can I Do?   His JPIC journey began with a simple question.   He clearly has the gift of gab, an Irish talent for conversation. But based upon his focus and his follow-up…

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Betty and Cliff Still Making a Difference

Missions, Prayer, Saint Anthony

Clifford & Betty Dannenfelser Betty and Cliff Dannenfelser had always been strong supporters of the work of the Franciscans.  After Betty’s death in 2011, (Cliff had passed away in 1999) the Franciscans learned of a hugely generous gift…

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Lottie's St. Anthony Story

Prayer, Saint Anthony

We received this step by step outline of Lottie’s St Anthony story and are sharing it exactly as received.   Christmas Day (12/25/13) AM. • Got dressed and put on two rings- Diamond on left hand ring finger and gold…

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Lives Transformed at St. Anthony's Kitchen

Advent and Christmas, Missions, Prayer, Saint Anthony

Fr. Jim Bok, OFM, pastor of Mary, Gate of Heaven Church sends this update from Negril, Jamaica. Christmas at “The Kitchen” is quite the gathering.  Normal operations have us serving breakfast to about 50 children each morning as they head off…

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Black Friday Becomes Brown Friday

Advent and Christmas, Events, Missions, News, Prayer, Saint Anthony, Saint Francis, Senior Friars

 Our Ministry of Presence at Northgate Mall in Cincinnati is going well.  Here are a few of the stories.   We began on Black Friday (which we re-named Brown Friday) with pretty good crowds. Our Ministry of…

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St. Anthony Comes Through Again

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Our benefactors love St. Anthony and often ask for his intercession.  Here is a touching story of faith.   “I was in a Catholic affiliated medical clinic, and a doctor was frantically trying to find…

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