Saint Anthony

St. Anthony's Quad Beer

Events, Missions, Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Anthony

Fr. Frank Jasper (left) prays while Fr. Carl Langenderfer blesses the beer mash that will become St. Anthony’s Quad with brewmaster Josh Elliott and Brett Kollmann Baker of Urban Artifact Brewery. The article below was first…

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Fr. Mark Soehner, OFM - A Franciscan Reflection on the Year of Mercy

Events, Newsletter, Pope Francis, Prayer, Saint Anthony, Saint Francis, Year of Mercy

Message of hope, faith, and mercy resonates ~ Tricia Griffith settles into a pew for a presentation by Fr. Mark Soehner. “This guy is so wonderful I’m recording him,” says Tricia, who hears Mark preach when she…

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St. Anthony finds lost dog

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Found – 1 lost dog – ~ This may sound silly to you – but – we (my husband and I – both 89 years) were dog sitting while my daughter and her husband went on vacation. The…

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St. Anthony, a truly great Saint

Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Anthony

Like finding a needle in a haystack, St. Anthony came through for John & Maria. ~ While trimming a hedge a few weeks ago my husband lost his hearing aid in the clippings he had gathered…

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Fr. Cliff Hennings, OFM

Missions, Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Anthony, Saint Francis, Vocations

  Why follow St. Francis? ~ “I wanted to live this Gospel in a way that was full of life, full of joy, that was exciting,” says newly ordained Fr. Clifford Hennings, OFM, in the video above. Fr.…

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Feast of St. Francis 2016

Events, Missions, Newsletter, Pope Francis, Saint Anthony, Saint Clare, Saint Francis

The Pet Blessing at St. Francis Seraph Church in Cincinnati was beautifully captured by Franciscan Media in the video above, “St. Francis Feast Day Pet Blessing.” Free Vet Clinic and Pet Blessing Photos from…

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Is it a lack of faith if we worry?

Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Anthony, Saint Francis, Senior Friars

Fr. Jim Van Vurst, OFM, gives advice for this common stressful concern. ~ The question above is one that I’m sure many good and faithful Christians may have asked themselves. The logic that raises its head at times of…

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Fr. Mark Soehner to give Year of Mercy talk

Events, Missions, Newsletter, Pope Francis, Prayer, Saint Anthony, Saint Francis, Uncategorized, Year of Mercy

Celebrating Pope Francis’ Jubilee Year of Mercy ~ Mercy is very dear to Franciscans, in fact in some ways, it is our vocation.  An early life of St. Francis, called the Legend of the Three Companions, described our way…

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A roadside angel named Anthony

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Never fear, St. Anthony is here! ~ I was on a short trip to a casino and my car broke down.  I’ve always had a special devotion to St. Anthony.  I was standing along side the road, looking at…

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Doubting your faith

Newsletter, Pope Francis, Prayer, Saint Anthony, Saint Francis, Senior Friars, Year of Mercy

Fr. Jim, Can you help me deal with doubts that sometimes pop into my mind about our Catholic faith? I always feel uneasy.  Louise ~ Fr. Jim Van Vurst Dear Louise, I’m more than happy to help…

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