Saint Anthony

Three stories of St. Anthony

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Need to find willpower? St. Anthony gives you strength. My name is Tracy and I want to share my story with you.  I am not a religious person (I wasn’t.)  I was a smoker for over 35 years and…

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Advent with the Franciscans

Advent and Christmas, Missions, Prayer, Saint Anthony, Saint Francis

The Reason for the Season: Advent with the Franciscans at Northgate Mall.   Br. Michael Radomski, OFM, chats with a couple. May the Lord give you peace! The Franciscan Friars hope to provide a…

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Are you thankful for St. Anthony?

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Over 35,855 people ‘Like’ us on Facebook. Recently we asked, “As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, how are you thankful for St. Anthony?” Below are a few of the responses. Very thankful to St. Anthony!!! Thank you St.…

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All Souls Day

Prayer, Saint Anthony

The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day) All Souls Day Mass is, in a very real way a funeral liturgy. The only thing missing is a casket with a loved one in it. Praying…

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What was the best moment in your life?

Prayer, Saint Anthony, Saint Francis

Living for that “sacred here and now” Welcome October! This is one of the most beautiful months of the year. The autumn colors in our portion of the state are becoming vivid. We are in for an incredible fall…

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Quick help from St. Anthony

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Lose something important? St. Anthony came through quickly for Marie Dear Father, Enclosed is a “thank you” check in honor of St. Anthony. I dropped my checkbook in a public parking lot but didn’t notice it until an hour…

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Flooding in the missions

Missions, News, Prayer, Saint Anthony

A neighbor of St. Anthony’s Kitchen waves as the water flows by Help and hope in the face of despair   3-foot-high water down the street from St. Anthony’s Kitchen (Monday, widespread flooding followed four hours…

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How to pray the Chaplet of St. Anthony of Padua

Prayer, Saint Anthony

St. Anthony is the Patron Saint of Lost Items, the Poor and Travelers.  The Chaplet of St. Anthony consists of thirteen sets of three beads, usually attached to this chaplet is a medal of St. Anthony and…

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Br. Dominic Lococo, OFM

Prayer, Saint Anthony, Senior Friars

Br. Dominic Lococo, OFM For 60 years Br. Dominic Lococo has followed St. Francis.  He has been his Brothers’ Keeper, taking care of body and soul (sic).   As a Tertiary Brother, he was a tailor…

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St. Anthony hears your prayer no matter where you are!

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Jim Scheeler, a brother of SJB Provincial Minister Fr. Jeff Scheeler, is a Kroger Grocery Store Manager.  He was interrupted on a busy day to assist an elderly lady to find her car keys. Pope John XXIII   He…

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