Saint Anthony

St. Anthony Miracle in Hawaii

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Lost forever? Not if St. Anthony has anything to do with it. Terri, shares her incredulous story.          In 1982, my husband and I went to Hawaii for the first time.  Jet lagged and excited, we got up…

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Novena to St. Anthony Works!

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Sometimes St. Anthony finds what you don’t yet have. Enjoy this encouraging story from Cindy in Michigan.   I am writing this letter and making this donation in thanksgiving for my son-in-law finding a job after 6 ½ years.  He…

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Fr. Larry Dunham, OFM - Working For Peace

Missions, Saint Anthony

Fr. Larry Dunham, OFM, at the video shoot “Peace is ultimately going to be accomplished by people living together, knowing each other long enough to respect each other, respect their differences and learn to then live with…

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A Fruitful Gift of Thanksgiving to St. Anthony

Prayer, Saint Anthony

An answered prayer through St. Anthony’s help lead Edward to share his garden’s bounty   “I too have a story to share of a small miracle by St. Anthony. I recently could not find my Driver’s License and after looking…

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Anthony, A Good, God Centered Man

Prayer, Saint Anthony

St. Anthony cares for us in loving and humorous ways. Enjoy this story from one of our donors.   “St. Anthony has a sense of humor. I had a bad experience dating someone, and when it was over,…

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How St. Anthony helped my son find his glasses worth $300.00

Prayer, Saint Anthony

We receive hundreds of wonderful, inspiring stories of prayers answered by St. Anthony.  Enjoy this one from a caring mother.   My son called me on a Saturday and was telling me how he lost his glasses while on…

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Francis, Clare, and Gypsy Moths

Saint Anthony, Saint Francis, Vocations

The postulants A Different Kind of Summer Camp During the summer, the postulants of all seven U.S. provinces gather at “Camp Bonaventure,” the tongue-in-cheek name for summer school at St. Bonaventure University in Olean, New York.    “We…

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Donating to St. Anthony - Better Than Lunch!

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Our donors have great St. Anthony stories.  What a loving and practical way to honor St. Anthony and your friends.   I am donating for a friend (a Protestant

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A Voice at St. Anthony Shrine

Saint Anthony, Senior Friars

Br. Gabriel plays the piano at the St. Anthony Shrine. Br. Gabriel Balassone recently celebrated his Golden Jubilee and his 80th birthday.   After 50 years as a friar, the calm and self-effacing Br. Gabriel says he most…

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Br. Gene Mayer, OFM, Guardian of the Shrine

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Br. Gene Mayer, OFM, (right) Guardian of St. Anthony Shrine and Friary with Fr. Jim Bok, OFM Keeping the Province and the Shrine running smoothly   This year, Brother Gene Mayer, OFM celebrates 44 years as a…

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