Saint Anthony

Veneration of St. Anthony Relics

Prayer, Saint Anthony

A first-class relic of St. Anthony sits at the base of the statue As you venerate St. Anthony and other saints remember these words: “And that your saving mysteries may be fulfilled, their great example…

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Anthony, A Name For Miracles

Prayer, Saint Anthony

What’s in a name?  For those named for St. Anthony of Padua, it can be miraculous. Fr. Anthony (Tony) Walter, OFM   Born in 1932, Fr. Anthony (Tony) Walter, OFM, was named in honor of

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St. Anthony, Patron of Tuesdays

Prayer, Saint Anthony

  Sunrise at St. Anthony Shrine and Friary Just why is Tuesday designated as St. Anthony’s day?  It was on the Tuesday after his death that his body was transferred from Arcella to Padua and buried there…

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Paul Learns The Hard Way To Trust St. Anthony!

Saint Anthony

  Back in 2008, my friend Paul from St Anthony Messenger and I were privileged to be recipients of a grant to go to Assisi to learn about the life of St Francis. We were both very…

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Tony, Tony, Turn Around...

Prayer, Saint Anthony

  Last week on Facebook we asked our friends: “What has St. Anthony helped you find?” Here are a few responses out of the 128 comments:   St. Anthoy Shrine in Cincinnati My wedding ring…and…

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Praying Forward to the Feast of St. Anthony

Events, Prayer, Saint Anthony

    Join us for the Solemn Novena in Honor of St. Anthony of Padua every Tuesday April 16 through June 11 culminating with his Feast Day on Thursday, June 13   2:30 PM – Novena Prayers, Benediction, Blessing…

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Ten Years Ago... A Memorable St. Anthony Story

Prayer, Saint Anthony

St. Anthony comes through again in this story sent to Friarworks Co-director Colleen Cushard from one of our own Franciscan friars, Br. Ed Gura, OFM. Dear Colleen, After sharing a recent ‘St. Anthony’ story with my mother, she…

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I Must Tell Someone My Saint Anthony Story

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Today as I started out on my walk, I crossed our half acre field pulling my rosary (a red beaded rosewood rosary) from my pocket to begin walking.  It was all intact.  I crossed two roads and toddled…

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St. Anthony 'Miraculously' Comes Through Again!

Prayer, Saint Anthony

While painting an outdoor plant shelf attached to the house I had to lie on my back in the dirt and squirm my way around for about 24 feet. In the process I lost my Miraculous Medal from the…

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Dear St. Anthony, I pray, Bring It Back, Without Delay!

Prayer, Saint Anthony, Uncategorized

Not just Catholics have a devotion to St. Anthony of Padua. He is a Saint for Everyman. Everyone misplaces or misses something important from time to time and it doesn’t just have to be tangible things like keys, money,…

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