Saint Anthony

Thank God for St. Anthony

Prayer, Saint Anthony, Uncategorized

St. Anthony touches so many people’s lives.  He faithfully intercedes to Our Lord for your intentions. …

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Happy Feast of St. Anthony!

Prayer, Saint Anthony

The Shrine has been a-buzz these past days in preparation for today’s conclusion of the Novena with the Feast of St. Anthony of Padua. Thousands of prayers have been submitted to St. Anthony for his intercession through our website, mailings, …

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'Saint Anthony of Padua' from Franciscan Media

Saint Anthony

St. Anthony of Padua, His Life, Legends and Devotions is edited by Fr. Jack Wintz, OFM  The Feast of St. Anthony is right around the corner (Wednesday June 13). Fr. Jack Wintz, OFM, has edited a new book about…

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