Saint Anthony

I just knew St. Anthony was with me

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Impossible? Not with St. Anthony I have lost many things over the years. 99% of the time, St. Tony comes through for me.  I lost a spare key to my keyless entry car over 3 weeks ago. I…

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Thank you God for St. Anthony

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Such a great Saint! Hello, I wanted to share the miracle St. Anthony did for me with you. I have known St. Anthony since I was a little girl, and I’ve invoked him a few times, but did not…

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St. Anthony and COVID-19

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Our followers on social media trust in the intercession of St. Anthony. In a recent online query we asked them to share how St. Anthony is helping them during the Coronavirus pandemic. Out of thousands of responses and comments…

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St. Anthony found my diamond earring

Prayer, Saint Anthony

He kept my earring in a safe place I work for a large pharmaceutical retailer. On any given day, I can be assigned to any store in the greater Cincinnati area. I always wear small diamond stud earrings. Just over…

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St. Anthony protects lost boy

Prayer, Saint Anthony

I know he’s here beside me I am 66 years old. When I was a boy of two, I was watching my father and grandfather work on the front porch of Grandpa’s house. The men went in for a…

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I never give up on St. Anthony

Prayer, Saint Anthony

A beautiful and amazing saint A few weeks ago, I realized that my wedding rings were missing. I started to look for them and became very distressed as I searched for them. The more I searched, the more I…

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St. Anthony found my rosary

Prayer, Saint Anthony

My favorite rosary I have a favorite rosary with small brown beads—nothing fancy, very plain. I really like the way it fits my hand. Every day I would get up, go to Mass, take my rosary out, and hold…

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Praying for my son with St. Anthony

Prayer, Saint Anthony

I pray fervently every day I was first taught to pray to St. Anthony by my teachers, Franciscan nuns, almost 60 years ago when I was seven years old. Since then, St. Anthony has not failed me, especially, but…

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An evening song and a lost phone

Prayer, Saint Anthony

A call to St. Anthony I live in a neighborhood where the phrase, “Gunshots or Fireworks,” is a common expression. Since the quarantine measures have been in place, because of the coronavirus, the street has been unusually quiet. Music…

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St. Anthony found my ring

Prayer, Saint Anthony

  I gave up the search I had taken off my sapphire birthstone ring and was carrying it to my bedroom. When I got there, it was not in my hand. I searched for two hours. I went over…

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