Saint Anthony

St. Anthony story from one of our own

Prayer, Saint Anthony

“Bless St. Anthony, I just love the way he works in my life.” I am the accountant for the province and many of the financial records I deal with are on a recurring monthly basis. Some of this monthly…

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St. Anthony answers first time plea

Prayer, Saint Anthony

The first-time plea to St. Anthony I’m very grateful to St. Anthony as he has helped me so many times in my religious life. My first plea to St. Anthony was around 5 years ago when I visited my…

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St Anthony helps return miraculous medal

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Chris’ necklace: St. Teresa of Calcutta (blessed in Rome at her canonization), Miraculous Medal, Sacred Heart of Jesus (from her mom) Strength in faith I had taken off a necklace I wear “religiously” because I was working in…

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St. Anthony answers Kim's prayers with clear image

Prayer, Saint Anthony

I am so grateful to St. Anthony and wanted to share my experience with you. I recently received my mother’s wedding ring set from my father’s estate. I rarely wear it and when I do, I always take it…

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St. Anthony helps Anna Marie more profoundly than expected

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Anna Marie’s beloved bulldog, Moni, (short for Monarch) because of her amazing transformation from a feeble puppy mill mama who had never seen sunlight or grass, to a strong and beautiful dog who loved everyone she met. A…

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Ann's name for St. Anthony, is "St. Wonderful"

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Hello, my name is Ann and St. Anthony is one of my favourite saints. I call him St. Wonderful because he finds everything I misplace, and I misplace a lot of stuff. A couple of months ago I misplaced…

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St. Anthony helped find my lost precious ring.

Prayer, Saint Anthony

“I bear witness to everyone of St. Anthony’s intercession.” I left my home in the city and traveled to my village to stay with my brother for my husband’s funeral. On the third day when most of the people…

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Carmen relies on her friend, Tony

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Dear Franciscan Friars, Thank you for all that you do. Sometime ago my telephone was not working properly and I couldn’t find someone to help me. I prayed and prayed to St. Anthony and thought I would just let…

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Food for the body, food for the soul

Saint Anthony, Serving the poor

Sr. Ann Marie Quinn, OSF, and Br. David Crank, OFM, at the St. Anthony Center in Cincinnati. Br. David Crank’s goal is “to project the loving presence of Francis and God.” That’s his job, the work for which…

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Drew's St. Anthony story

Prayer, Saint Anthony

About two weeks ago, I was preparing for a trip that was important to me. Much preparation had been invested in the trip, not only by myself but by many others. I have never in my life lost a…

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