Br. Chris Meyer, serving in Jamaica

Br. Chris Meyer, serving in Jamaica

Br. Chris Meyer, OFM

Br. Chris Meyer, OFM

Technology Expert

On April 19th, Br. Chris Meyer, OFM, left the US for his new ministry in Jamaica, “I’m looking forward to continuing the work friars are doing across [the Diocese of] Montego Bay,” said Br. Chris.  He is living at the St. Joseph friary in Savanna-la-mar with Fr. Max Langenderfer, Br, Louie Zant and Br. Tom Gerchak.  A few days after his arrival, he met to discuss opportunities in technology with the diocese.  Br. Chris will be serving as the Communications Director dealing with internal and external communications helping the Diocese of Montego Bay establish an online presence.

At the missioning service

At his missioning service

Just a few weeks after he settled in, Br. Chris returned to the States to attend the All Province Assembly (APA) in St. Meinrad, Indiana.  It was a week of fraternity, prayer, learning and discussion for 115 of the friars of this Province.  Br. Chris taught an enlightening class in social media to the friars.

At the APA the celebration of his new mission also took place.

“It’s always a powerful moment when the brothers extend their hands and pray over you,” Chris Meyer said after being commissioned to serve in the Diocese of Montego Bay, Jamaica.

Provincial Minister Jeff Scheeler asked this blessing:

“Almighty God, in every age you have chosen servants to proclaim your Word to the ends of the earth. Hear our prayer for our brother who will serve your Church as a missionary. Fill him with your Spirit that he may have the mind and heart of Jesus who lives and reigns now and forever.”

Br. Chris lives at St. Joseph friary

Br. Chris lives at St. Joseph friary

Br. Chris in his element.

Br. Chris in his element.

Please keep Br. Chris and all of our missionaries to Jamaica in your prayers.

Posted in: Events, Missions, News, Newsletter, Prayer