August 7, Sixth day of the Novena to St. Clare
Prayer for those who are deeply affected by depression or another mental illness and for their families.

Sr. Rita Cheong, OSC
Once St. Francis sent his brother Stephen, who was mentally ill, to the Monastery of San Damiano. As St. Francis wished, St. Clare made the sign of the cross over him and had him rest a little while in the place where she usually prayed. When Br. Stephen awoke, he was healed from what he suffered.
Remembering this healing story, may St. Clare pray for the healing of all those who are struggling with depression or another mental illness, and for their families to support them with love. In their healing they may find God, who dwells in their inmost heart and desires for them to have a happy life.
Sr. Rita Cheong, OSC
Ask the Poor Clares to pray for your intentions on their website: Poor Clares Cincinnati
Visit their Facebook page: Franciscan Monastery of St. Clare of Cincinnati, Ohio
Click here to pray the Novena to St. Clare – Day 6