Estate Planning for Our Times
Estate Planning for Our Times
Thursday, Sept 18, 2014
St Anthony Shrine Hall
5000 Colerain Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45223
Time 3-5
If you do not have an estate plan or would like to review the one you have, I strongly encourage you to join us. You will hear how sound estate planning can save taxes, avoid probate, and decrease family dissension at times of great stress. An experienced estate-planning attorney will lead the seminar.
Having an up-to-date estate plan is an act of Christian stewardship that can not only save your family taxes and unnecessary legal fees but, more importantly, may also prevent damaging family misunderstandings. I hope the information you gain at the seminar will be a helpful guide as you make decisions concerning your future and the future of your family.
Persons of all ages and estates of all sizes will benefit from this presentation. RSVP by phone 513-721-4700 X 3222 or email: to Colleen Cushard. Seats are limited, please call today to register. Light refreshments will be provided.
Once you have provided for your family members in your estate plan, please consider a thoughtful bequest to the Franciscan Province of St. John the Baptist. Your bequest helps ensure that your wishes for the future of the Franciscans will be honoured. We have been able to sustain many of today's outreach programs due to the generosity and vision of our former supporters. Your bequest endows the future. A complimentary estate planning guide will be provided.