Fostering health and unity in Jamaica

Raphael Ozoude checks the height and weight of a child. Photo by Colin King, OFM.
In the cool hills surrounding Negril, where resources can be scarce and healthcare access is limited, St. Mary Clinic in Revival ensured that the children in the community were able to start the school year on a healthy note with back-to-school medicals. This included basic health examinations, ensuring the children are fit for the upcoming school year. All children had their vital signs, vision and hearing checked and their student vaccination records verified to ensure each one has the required vaccines.
This event was much appreciated by parents and principals of several schools. St. Mary Clinic made it convenient for parents who may have limited transportation options or work schedules that make accessing healthcare difficult. Some of the parents who brought their children also had checkups on their sugar and blood pressure. In fact, a few parents were amazed at how high their numbers were and will be returning to the clinic to monitor their levels and learn about a healthier lifestyle. Hopefully this will help to avoid strokes and amputations in the future.
These back-to-school medicals are not just about health; they are about fostering a sense of unity and empowerment within the different communities.
Posted in: Missions, Revival School Project