Join us for Transitus

Painting of the Transitus by Chilean painter Pedro Subercaseaux Erraězuriz, OSB (1911-1920s). Public domain
The Transitus, or crossing, refers to "the time of passage through death to life"
Please join the Franciscan friars of the Province of St. John the Baptist on the vigil of the Feast of St. Francis, as we commemorate the death of our beloved Saint. In an evening of joy, story and song we will celebrate the life and enduring influence of our beloved patron, St. Francis of Assisi.
You can join the friars in the Cincinnati, Ohio, area at the St. Anthony Shrine. The friars in the Detroit, Michigan, are celebrate with the Felician Sisters of North America in Livonia, Michigan. And in New Orleans, a service will be hosted by the St. Francis of Assisi Church.
St. Anthony Shrine
5000 Colerain Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45223
Monday, October 3 at 7:00 p.m.(EDT), reception after the service.
The Felician Sisters of North America
36800 Schoolcraft Road
Livonia, Michigan 48150
Monday, October 3 at 6:30 p.m. (EDT)
The St. Francis of Assisi Parish
631 State St.
New Orleans, Louisiana 70115
Monday, October 3 at 6:00 p.m.: Season of Creation Vespers and St. Francis Transitus Service.
Posted in: Prayer, Saint Francis