August 8, Seventh day of Novena to St. Clare

Please remember to pray for Pope Francis and all our spiritual leaders.

Sr. Ann

Sr. Ann Bartko, OSC

Today we pray for our Holy Father, Pope Francis.

Pope Francis, in his Apostolic Letter, “Joy of the Gospel” clearly states that, “All those who encounter Jesus are filled with joy.”

Saint Clare of Assisi tells her sisters, “Be filled with a remarkable joy.” If you had witnessed Clare’s Poor Ladies you would have encountered great joy.

What is Pope Francis and St. Clare telling us for today’s life journey? We are living in unthinkable times. We have a virus that is inflicting pain, suffering and death to millions of people all over Mother Earth. We have unbelievable racism raising its ugly head all over the United States. Who can be joyful at a time like this? Well if we encounter Jesus in what is happening in our times we can change the outcome of what is going on and then we will be filled with joy.

If we believe, truly believe that the Jesus walks right beside us and is there for us in all the messiness of today’s world things can change.

Again, there is the how. Well, we can take the time to pray in any way we choose. We can engage in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. We can attend the Eucharistic celebration in person or via live streaming. Or, we can become Christ to others by engaging in the Corporate Works of Mercy. A smile, a kind word, a loving gesture will move the heart of another.

Another way to impact these times is by changing the SELF. Yes, by changing the self. I allow the word of Jesus in the Gospels to enter deeply into my being so that my hurtful attitudes, my self-will, my egoism, will be transformed into loving kindness for all people. When we see with the eyes of Jesus and talk with the words of Jesus all things change. Spreading the Gospel message can change all things. Read Pope Francis’ “Joy of the Gospel,” do what it asks of us and, “Be filled with a remarkable Joy!”

Sr. Ann Bartko, OSC

Ask the Poor Clares to pray for your intentions:

Click here to pray the Novena to St. Clare – Day 7