Fr. Roger Lopez returns to Roger Bacon H.S.

Fr. Roger Lopez, OFM, in the classroom at Roger Bacon, H. S.
Fr. Roger Lopez, OFM, returns to Roger Bacon H.S. as a newly ordained priest
“It is amazing that four years have passed so quickly since I was teaching at Roger Bacon (as a Simply Professed friar). Like life, many things have changed around campus. But even though buildings are refurnished and people come and go, there remains an element ever constant – the charism.
It is the Spirit of Saint Francis that is steadfast within the hallowed walls of our school. It is the welcome that is felt upon all who enter those brass doors, the pride rooted in our humble traditions, the kind generosity of our members, the many generations who have sent their children to receive a Catholic education by the Franciscan Friars.
We have a proud history and prosperous future. Even though structures and people shift, it is the unwavering charism that welcomes me home.”
Read about Fr. Roger's Ordination.
excerpt from Roger Bacon's alumni magazine Traditions

Newly Ordained Fr. Cliff Hennings (left) and Fr. Roger Lopez with Bishop Joe Binzer and Provincial Minister Jeff Scheeler
Posted in: News, Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Francis