Six men to learn about and experience Franciscan life

The postulants pose for a picture. From left are, Martin Tran, Jeremy Mayeaux, Ivan Arevalo, Tyler Harris, John Kashmer and Ricky Madere. Photo by Frank Jasper, OFM
Visiting with the postulants (men discerning life as a friar) is one of the more enjoyable aspects of my job as secretary of formation. I recently flew out to see them at Holy Name College in Silver Spring, Maryland. This is where the men will be spending a year learning about and experiencing Franciscan life.

Fr. Frank Jasper, OFM
We have six postulants from all over the country: Ivan Arevalo, Tyler Harris, John Kashmer, Ricky Madere, Jeremy Mayeaux and Martin Tran. They have a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences. They took a big risk leaving their former lives with family, friends and colleagues to join us as brothers. I enjoyed meeting them, praying with them, socializing with them and, in general, getting a feel for what life is like for them at Holy Name College. Our newest brothers are full of life and eager to join us on our journey to follow Jesus after the pattern of Francis.
I pursued one of the goals that the friars at my own friary, St. Clement in Cincinnati, are considering for their Fraternal Life Plan: having a virtual visit with the postulants. Most of the St. Clement community has never been to Holy Name College, so this would be a way of visiting there virtually. The postulants are eager to have this virtual interchange with their senior brothers, as well.
I tried to learn the subtleties of being a computer wizard in a few days, but my mind just doesn’t work that way. Hopefully, the postulants, or one of the guys from another friary will be able to help me make the technology work.
During my few days there, I sat in on classes with Jim Sabak, a friar liturgist from Raleigh, who was exploring Advent and Christmas with the postulants.
On my visit, I was not only able to meet our newest brothers, I was able to touch base with the friars I had met there on my previous visits. Pray for our men in formation and their directors. They are our future! And, the future looks good!
(Fr. Frank Jasper, OFM, is the Secretary for Initial Formation & Studies)
This article first appeared on the SJB News Notes by Sr. Eileen Connelly, OSU

Jim Sabak, OFM, who serves as director of divine worship for the Diocese of Raleigh, discusses Advent and Christmas with the postulants during class. Photo by Frank Jasper, OFM
Posted in: Vocations