St. Francis events and celebrations earlier this month

Fr. Jeremy Harrington, OFM, blesses a cute puppy in the courtyard of the Church of the Transfiguration in Southfield, Michigan.
A full week of events

Friars Mark Soehner and Murray Bodo at the Transitus service at St. Clement Church.
A multitude of events always surround the Feast of St. Francis. We are happy to share with you a recap of our celebrations around the Province of St. John the Baptist.
The Transitus is a beautiful service that commemorates the death of St. Francis. You can watch the live streamed video of that evening at St. Clement Church here.
Watch the Transitus from the Church of the Transfiguration in Southfield, Michigan, on their Facebook page here.
A Flickr album of Transitus photos by Fr. Frank Jasper, OFM, and Chris Meyer can be viewed here.
This year's novena to St. Francis include reflections from friars with the novena prayers. Join in the prayers here.
Last but not least, the annual pet blessing services are always popular events. Below are a selection of photos from around the Province of St. John the Baptist. More Pet Blessing photos on our Flickr page here.

Fr. Ric Schneider, OFM, addresses the 3rd and 4th graders at St. Ursula Villa School before the Pet Blessing.

Cincinnati Police Officer Egner brought his K-9 dog to school for a blessing by Fr. Ric Schneider, OFM.

Photo on left: Pastor Al Hirt, OFM, blesses a puppy outside St. Francis Seraph Church in Cincinnati. Right: Fr. Mark Soehner blesses a gorgeous red bird after mass.

The friars and parishioners of the Church of the Transfiguration in Southfield, Michigan, pose for a panoramic photo during the Pet Blessing honoring St. Francis of Assisi
Posted in: Pet Blessing, Prayer, Saint Francis