St. Clare Novena

St. Clare of Assisi
In honor of St. Clare, we invite you to pray an online novena, August 2 – 10, culminating on her feast day, August 11.
Each day of the nine-day novena, you will receive prayers and reflections from the Poor Clares in your inbox, with written and follow-along video formats.
Sign-up today to make sure you receive these daily prayers!
St. Clare was one of Francis’ first followers and founded the Second Order of Franciscans, known today as the Poor Clares. Sr. Vickie Griner, OSC, leads the recorded prayers at the Franciscan Monastery of St. Clare in Cincinnati, Ohio.
St. Clare was born around 1193-1194 and grew up in an aristocratic, well-respected family in Assisi, Italy. Her father was a knight, and her mother was of noble lineage. Her family home was adjacent to the Cathedral of San Rufino.
When Clare was only a teenager, she heard Francesco Bernardone (St. Francis) preach in the piazza of the cathedral. She was immediately moved by his vision of Gospel life. For his part, Francis had heard about Clare and wanted to meet her. Over a period of more than a year, she and a companion met with Francis to learn more about his manner of living the Gospel. She joined Francis on Palm Sunday night in March of 1212 and with him founded a community of women intent on following in the footprints of the poor crucified Christ through a life shaped by poverty, contemplation and community. Their mission was to rebuild the Church through the witness of their way of living the Gospel in Community.
Clare is not as well-known as some other medieval women, but she is the first woman to have a Rule for a religious community approved by the Church. She directed the "Poor Ladies" (the name by which her community was known in medieval times) from its beginnings until her death in 1253.
Clare was a woman in love with Christ, and she wanted all people to know the joy of union with him. She did not emphasize poverty for the sake of poverty, but poverty as a way to union with the Lord. She wanted nothing to hold her back from embracing Christ, her Beloved One. Clare advised other women about following Christ, and one of those women was Agnes of Prague, to whom she wrote:
"May you go forward securely, joyfully, and swiftly, on the path of prudent happiness, not believing anything that would dissuade you for this resolution or that would place a stumbling block for you on the way, so that you may offer your vows to the Most High in the pursuit of that perfection to which the Spirit of the Lord has called you."
- Second Letter to Agnes of Prague 13-14 (2LAg 13-14)
Clare allowed herself to be transformed by the love of Christ she experienced in her life. Soon others joined her, and together they shaped a life of prayer, poverty, penance and community that enabled them to embrace the poor Christ in love. It was a life in which they found freedom and peace in Christ.
Learn more about the Poor Clares at Franciscan Monastery of St. Clare on their website: PoorClaresCincinnati or Facebook page: Franciscan Monastery of St Clare of Cincinnati Ohio
Posted in: Prayer, Saint Clare