Survey results

Survey results

Fr. John Bok with a parishioner

Fr. John Bok with a parishioner

Thank you!

We wish to thank everyone who participated in our recent online survey. We received some 600 completed surveys and are grateful for the opinions, insights and ideas shared by respondents.

St Anthony MessengerResults from this survey include:

  • One-third of respondents began their relationship with the Franciscans through The Saint Anthony Messenger, while another third did so through their parish, a Franciscan school, or a family member who was a Franciscan.
  • Almost half of respondents identified a particular person or moment in time that influenced their relationship with the Franciscans.
  • While a majority of respondents consider all ministries as important, most chose “Training and Education of men considering life as a Friar”, “The Care of retired, sick and infirm Friars”, and “Domestic Missions (U.S.) among the poor” to be extremely important.
  • More respondents said, “Increasing the number of trained laity in Franciscan ministries” was “extremely important” than any other potential future change for the Province.
    Half of respondents asked said The Saint Anthony Messenger was of the “greatest value” in staying informed about the Province. Fr. John’s monthly e-newsletter, Advent and Lent pocket booklets, and News from the Friars e-newsletters, were all rated as valuable sources of information.

We value your opinions and concerns.  Thank you for joining with us in ministry.

Fr. Don Holtgrewe with parishioner

Fr. Don Holtgrewe with parishioner

Br. Michael Radomski on the streets of Detroit

Br. Michael Radomski on the streets of Detroit

Posted in: Missions, Newsletter, Prayer, Saint Anthony, Saint Francis, Senior Friars, Support the Friars, Vocations