Volunteers Make Forever Friends in Jackson, KY

Volunteers from St. John the Baptist parish in Harrison, Ohio, outside one of the homes they visit during their annual Christmas trip to Jackson, Kentucky.
Friends are Friends Forever!
For the thirteenth year, youth and adults from St. John the Baptist Parish in Harrison, OH, will make their annual Christmas trip to Jackson, Kentucky. They have adopted the Holy Cross parish served by Br. Jerry Beetz, OFM and Fr. Reynolds Garland, OFM.
They help in a variety of valuable ways. Traveling in spirit are the people of St. John's who provide the resources to help some of the people who live in the mountain town and surrounding “hollers.”
Lynda Noel, Religious Education Coordinator and Hub Martini, Young Adult Coordinator lead the 15 member group who will begin their one day trip at 6 am on December 23.
A red pick up truck, graciously on loan from a woman of the parish, leads the caravan into the mountains. It is packed with gifts, food and practical items. There is no concrete plan upon arrival. Things usually fall into place.
Earlier this summer, a team from the parish spent a week in Jackson doing whatever they could. They patched a roof, cleared heavy weeds, built a ramp, widened and replaced a front door and painted a porch.

Keegan Haag who has made the trip to Jackson since high school comforts Holy Cross parishioner Judy Jett by the friendship pear tree. Her deceased husband Everett is being remembered.
This project is a heart opening, memory making experience. “It is much more than just giving and doing things,” Linda explained. “All of us were moved at our visit with the bedridden blind woman praying for us and we joined with her family singing O Holy Night.
Christian love is expressed in non verbal ways by visiting and singing carols to patients in a nursing home. A lonely bachelor was so touched because someone remembered him.
“The people do not have money, but their faith is deep. All of us recognized that. We have built relationships with Catholics and non Catholics alike. An ailing woman told Linda, 'I consider you my sister!'
“We planted a sturdy ornamental pear tree in front of Holy Cross Church and then placed an engraved plaque at its base in memory of the people who have passed on whom St. John's visited over the years, it says, Friends Are Friends Forever. “
Posted in: Advent and Christmas, Missions, Prayer