Who knew? August is National Make-a-Will Month

Who knew? August is National Make-a-Will Month

couple with child crossing street

Photo by Katie E from Pexels

Deciding if you need a will

More than half of Americans don’t have wills. But do you really need one? If you answer “Yes” to any of these questions, then you need a will:

-  Do you care who gets your property and assets if you die?
-  Do you care who is appointed as the guardian of your minor children if you die?
-  Do you want to leave a charitable legacy with the Franciscans?

Wills are not just for the wealthy, for people 65 and older, or for people with children. Regardless of how much money you have, how old you are, or whether you have minor children, a will ensures your wishes are heard.

Through your will, you decide who will receive your property and assets, who will be the guardian for your minor children, who you trust with the authority to see your wishes are fulfilled, and what your charitable legacy will be. Without a will, a court makes these decisions on your behalf – decisions with lasting impact on your loved ones, friends, community, and charitable causes.

If you need a will, don’t let another summer go by without putting a plan in place. While consulting with a local estate planning attorney is recommended, online will-making services are also available at low or no cost including: legalzoom.com; nolo.com; trustandwill.com; willing.com; freewill.com

Learn how you can support the Franciscans at Leave a Legacy. For more information contact Friar Works Co-Director Colleen Cushard at ccushard@franciscan.org

Posted in: Estate Planning